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一种折叠式遮阳与可拆卸微灌耦合育苗装置 专利
专利类型: 发明, 专利号: CN117356401A, 申请日期: 2024-01-09,
发明人:  吴路华;  白晓永;  陈丹;  杨东妮;  罗光杰;  王金凤;  陈飞;  张思蕊;  谢元欢;  贾健兰
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黔北地区下寒武统牛蹄塘组泥岩沉积环境及页岩气勘探潜力 期刊论文
沉积与特提斯地质, 2024, 卷号: 44, 期号: 2, 页码: 267-277
作者:  何洪茜;  肖加飞;  杨海英;  兰青;  黄明亮
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牛蹄塘组  页岩气  沉积环境  勘探潜力  黔北  
火山岩陆上与水下喷发环境的氧化系数判别方法 期刊论文
沉积学报, 2022, 卷号: 40, 期号: 3, 页码: 599-615
作者:  伍宏美;  陈亚军;  孟朋飞;  马强;  宋小勇;  何兴华;  于家义;  何伯斌
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陆上沉积火山岩  水下沉积火山岩  氧化系数  古地理环境  马朗凹陷  上石炭统  
Late Cretaceous Transtension in the Eastern Tibetan Plateau: Evidence From Postcollisional A-Type Granite and Syenite in the Changdu Area, China 期刊论文
Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth, 2019, 卷号: 124, 期号: 7, 页码: 6409-6427
作者:  Xin‐Song Wang;  A. E. Williams‐Jones;  Xian‐Wu Bi;  Rui‐Zhong Hu;  Jia‐Fei Xiao;  Ming‐Liang Huang
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Sulfur and lead isotopic variations in the giant Yulong porphyry Cu (Mo–Au) deposit from the eastern Tibetan Plateau: Implications for origins of S and Pb, and metal precipitation 期刊论文
Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 2019, 卷号: 197, 页码: 70-83
作者:  Ming-Liang Huang;  Xian-Wu Bi;  Jian-Feng Gao;  Lei-Luo Xu;  Jia-Fei Xiao;  Shen-Tai Liu;  Xin-Song Wang;  Ting Zhou
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Yulong Porphyry Cu (Mosingle Bondau) Deposit  s And Pb Isotopes  Ore-forming Materials  
Sulfur and lead isotopic variations in the giant Yulong porphyry Cu (MoAu) deposit from the eastern Tibetan Plateau: Implications for origins of S and Pb, and metal precipitation 期刊论文
Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 2019, 卷号: 197, 页码: 70-83
作者:  Ming-Liang Huang;  Xian-Wu Bi;  Jian-Feng Gao;  Lei-Luo Xu;  Jia-Fei Xiao;  Shen-Tai Liu;  Xin-Song Wang;  Ting Zhou
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Yulong Porphyry Cu (Moau) Deposit  s And Pb Isotopes  ore-forming Materials  
Microcolumn-based speciation analysis of thallium in soil and green cabbage 期刊论文
Science of The Total Environment, 2018, 卷号: 630, 页码: 146-153
作者:  Yanlong Jia;  Tangfu Xiao;  Jialong Sun;  Fei Yang;  Philippe C. Baveye
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Tl Speciation  extraction  soil  green Cabbage  geochemical fractionTl Bioavailability  
黔中地区陡山沱期开阳、瓮安磷矿区成矿作用研究现状探讨 期刊论文
地质找矿论丛, 2017, 期号: 4, 页码: 551-561
作者:  杨海英;  肖加飞;  李艳桃;  和景阳
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陡山沱期  古地理环境  成矿作用  成矿模式  黔中地区  
滇东南老乌锰矿床地球化学特征及其成因制约 期刊论文
矿物岩石地球化学通报, 2016, 期号: 3, 页码: 540-551
作者:  段建兵;  符亚洲;  肖加飞;  张正伟
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地球化学  矿床成因  老乌锰矿  滇东南  
贵州东部南华纪大塘坡早期古地理环境控锰作用探讨 期刊论文
沉积与特提斯地质, 2016, 期号: 1, 页码: 14-22
作者:  和景阳;  肖加飞
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古地理环境  控矿作用  海相沉积锰矿  大塘坡早期  贵州东部