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土法炼锌尾矿区典型野生植物对Zn、Cu胁迫的适应机制初探 会议论文
, 中国贵州贵阳, 2009-04
Authors:  符志友;  杨元根;  闭向阳;  李非里;  莫昌莉;  刘涛泽;  吴丰昌
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Atmospheric Deposition-Carried Pb, Zn, and Cd from a Zinc Smelter and Their Effect on Soil Microorganisms 期刊论文
PEDOSPHERE, 2009, 期号: 19, 页码: 422-433
Authors:  Yang, YG;  Jin, ZS;  Bi, XY;  Li, FL;  Sun, L;  Liu, J;  Fu, ZY
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Composite Pollution Index  
Laterization and its control to gold occurrence in Laowanchang gold deposit, Guizhou Province, Southwest of China 期刊论文
Authors:  Yang, YG;  Liu, SR;  Jin, ZS
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Use of amendments to reduce leaching loss of phosphorus and other nutrients from a sandy soil in Florida 会议论文
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MINERALOGY, 17th Annual Meeting of the SETAC Europe, Oporto, PORTUGAL, 2007
Authors:  Yang, JY;  He, ZL;  Yang, YG;  Stoffella, P;  Yang, XE;  Banks, D;  Mishra, S
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Heavy metal accumulation from zinc smelters in a carbonate rock region in Hezhang County, Guizhou Province, China 期刊论文
WATER AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION, 2006, 期号: 174, 页码: 321-339
Authors:  Yang, YG;  Liu, CQ;  Pan, W;  Zhang, GP;  Zhu, WH
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Zinc Smelting Slags  
Microbial indicators of heavy metal contamination in urban and rural soils 期刊论文
Chemosphere, 2006, 期号: 63, 页码: 1942-1952
Authors:  Yang Yuangen;  C.D. Campbell;  L. Clark;  C.M. Cameron;  E. Paterson
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Physiological Profiles  
碳酸盐岩矿区河流沉积物中重金属的形态特征及潜在生态风险 期刊论文
农村生态环境, 2004, 卷号: 20, 期号: 3, 页码: 28-31,36
Authors:  吴攀;  刘丛强;  张国平;  杨元根
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重金属  形态特征  生态风险评价  河流沉积物  碳酸盐岩矿区  
海南土壤中Zn、Pb、Cu、Cd四种重金属含量及其生物有效性的研究 期刊论文
矿物学报, 2004, 卷号: 24, 期号: 3, 页码: 239-244
Authors:  朱维晃;  杨元根;  毕华;  刘强
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重金属  土壤  植物  生物有效性  环境效应  
土壤和沉积物中重金属积累及其Pb、S同位素示踪 期刊论文
地球与环境, 2004, 卷号: 32, 期号: 1, 页码: 76-81
Authors:  杨元根;  刘丛强;  张国平;  吴攀;  朱维晃
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重金属  综合污染指数  化学形态  同位素示踪  
贵州老万场金矿床红土化作用及对金赋存状态的制约 期刊论文
地球化学, 2004, 卷号: 33, 期号: 4, 页码: 414-422
Authors:  杨元根;  刘世荣;  金志升
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红土化  成矿物质来源  稀土元素  微量元素  金赋存状态