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Spatial Characteristics and Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in the Soil-Vegetation System of a Red Mud Slag Yard, SW China 期刊论文
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2022, 卷号: 109, 期号: 1, 页码: 122-129
Authors:  Runyu Zhang;  Zhi Zhang;  Jing Wu;  Liying Wang
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Bauxite Residue Disposal Field  Heavy Metal  Soil-vegetation System  Potential Ecological Risk  Phytoremediation  
Spatio-temporal characteristics of drought events and their effects on vegetation: A case study in Southern Tibet, China 期刊论文
Remote Sensing, 2020, 卷号: 12, 期号: 24, 页码: 1-24
Authors:  Zu-Xin Ye;  Wei-Ming Cheng;  Zhi-Qi Zhao;  Jian-Yang Guo;  Ze-Xian Yang;  Rui-Bo Wang;  Nan Wang
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Drought  Space–time Characteristic  Single Event  Multiple Events  Vegetation  Southern Tibet  
Estimating aboveground biomass using Pleiades satellite image in a karst watershed of Guizhou Province, Southwestern China 期刊论文
Journal of Mountain Science, 2018, 卷号: 15, 期号: 5, 页码: 1020-1034
Authors:  Yin-ming Guo;  Jian Ni;  Li-bin Liu;  Yang-yang Wu;  Chun-zi Guo;  Xin Xu;  Qiao-lian Zhong
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Aboveground Biomass  Secondary Karst Forest  Artificial Neural Network  Vegetation Indices  Very High Resolution Satellite Image  
Spatial-temporal Changes of Vegetation Cover in Guizhou Province, Southern China 期刊论文
Chinese Geographical Science, 2017, 卷号: 27, 期号: 1, 页码: 25-38
Authors:  Yichao Tian;  Xiaoyong Bai;  Shijie Wang;  ;  Luoyi Qin;  Yue Li
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Vegetation Cover  Spatial-temporal Change  Trends Analysis  Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (Ndvi)  Hurst Exponent  Guizhou Province  China  
Site-specific diel mercury emission fluxes in landfill: Combined effects of vegetation and meteorological factors 期刊论文
Waste Management, 2017, 卷号: 59, 页码: 247-254
Authors:  Liu, Yang;  Wu, Boran;  Hao, Yongxia;  Zhu, Wei;  Li, Zhonggen;  Chai, Xiaoli
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Air Temperature  Environmental Factors  Landfills  Mercury  Relative Humidity  Soil  Solar Radiation  Vegetation  
北部湾沿海地区植被覆盖对气温和降水的旬响应特征 期刊论文
自然资源学报, 2016, 期号: 3, 页码: 488-502
Authors:  田义超; 梁铭忠
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植被  Spot-vegetation  时滞偏相关  Ndvi  气候因子  北部湾沿海地区  
Aboveground carbon stock, allocation and sequestration potential during vegetation recovery in the karst region of southwestern China: A case study at a watershed scale 期刊论文
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 2016, 卷号: 235, 页码: 91-100
Authors:  Changcheng Liu;  Yuguo Liu;  Ke Guo;  Shijie Wang;  Huiming Liu;  Haiwei Zhao;  Xianguo Qiao;  Dongjie Hou;  Shaobin Li
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Aboveground Carbon density  Carbon Sequestration Potential  karst Ecosystem  secondary Vegetation Succession  species Composition  
基于SPOT—VEGETATION的北部湾经济区植被变化特征 期刊论文
农业现代化研究, 2014, 卷号: 35, 期号: 4, 页码: 465-471
Authors:  田义超;  梁铭忠
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植被  Spot-vegetation Hurst指数  Ndvi 时空格局  北部湾经济区  
Evaluation of nitrate source in surface water of southwestern China based on stable isotopes 期刊论文
Environmental Earth Sciences, 2013, 卷号: 68, 期号: 1, 页码: 219-228
Authors:  Si-Liang Li;  Cong-Qiang Liu;  Jun Li;  Zicheng Xue;  Jin Guan;  Yunchao Lang;  Hu Ding;  Longbo Li
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Nitrate  Stable Isotopes  Vegetation Cover  Water Chemistry  
Stand structure, woody species richness and composition of subtropical karst forests in Maolan, south-west China 期刊论文
Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 2012, 卷号: 24, 期号: 4, 页码: 498-506
Authors:  ZH Zhang;  G Hu;  JD Zhu;  J Ni
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Limestone forest  rocky desertification  vegetation restoration  size class  stem density