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Wavefield interpolation in 3D large-step Fourier wavefield extrapolation 期刊论文
Geophysical Prospecting, 2018, 卷号: 66, 期号: 2, 页码: 311-326
Authors:  Gaoxiang Chen;  Li-Yun Fu;  Wei Wei;  Weijia Sun
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3d Fourier Depth Migration  first-order Separation-of-variables Screen Propagator  thick-slab Extrapolation  thin-slab Interpolation  3d Born–kirchhoff Interpolators  
Anisotropic multi-component seismic identification of gas hydrate in deep water environments of Shenhu area in the South China Sea 期刊论文
Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, 2017, 卷号: 46, 期号: 3, 页码: 453-461
Authors:  Wang, Qing;  Wang, Yun;  Liu, Zhiwei;  Guo, Shiguang
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Anisotropy  Gas Hydrates  Multi-component  Ava  Seismic Attribute  Anisotropy Field Separation  
Multi-component Gaussian beam prestack depth migration 期刊论文
Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 2013, 卷号: 10, 期号: 5, 页码: 055008
Authors:  Han Jianguang;  Wang Yun;  Lu Jun
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Multi-component  Gaussian Beam Prestack Depth Migration  Numerical Analysis  Local Slant Stack  Wavefield Separation  
Separating P- and S-waves in an affine coordinate system 期刊论文
Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 2012, 卷号: 9, 期号: 1, 页码: 12-18
Authors:  Jun Lu;  Yun Wang;  Chen Yao
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Multi-component Seismic  mode Leakage  affine Coordinate System  wave Separation  
Platinum-group element geochemistry of the continental flood basalts in the central Emeisihan Large Igneous Province, SW China 期刊论文
Chemical Geology, 2009, 卷号: 262, 期号: 3-4, 页码: 246-261
Authors:  Xie-Yan Song;  Reid R. Keays;  Long Xiao;  Hua-Wen Qi;  Christian Ihlenfeld
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Platinum-group Elements  Central Emeishan Large Igneous Province  Fractionation  Differentiation  Sulfide Separation  Alloy  
Determination of rare earth elements and Y in ultramafic rocks by ICP-MS after preconcentration using Fe(OH)3 and Mg(OH)2 coprecipitation 期刊论文
Geostandards & Geoanalytical Research, 2005, 卷号: 29, 期号: 1, 页码: 131-141
Authors:  Liang Qi;  Mei‐Fu Zhou;  John Malpas;  Min Sun
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Rare Earth Elements  Ultramafic Rock  Icp-ms  Preconcentration  Separation