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纳秒脉冲激光制备黑硅及其光学性能的研究 期刊论文
量子电子学报, 2024, 卷号: 41, 期号: 5, 页码: 813-821
作者:  王可;  王梓霖;  周晓雨;  黄伟其;  张铁民;  彭鸿雁;  王安琛;  张茜;  黄忠梅;  刘世荣
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激光技术  黑硅  吹氧退火  光致发光谱  反射谱  局域态发光  
Change of Bandgap Energy in Quantum System of Nanolayer on Silicon 期刊论文
Nano, 2021, 卷号: 16, 期号: 10, 页码: 2150112
作者:  Wei-Qi Huang;  Zi-Lin Wang;  Cui-Fen Chen;  Ke Wang;  Hong-Yan Peng;  Zhong-Mei Huang;  Xin Li;  An-Chen Wang;  Shi-Rong Liu
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LRTM effect and electronic crystal imaging on silicon surface 期刊论文
Scientific Reports, 2021, 卷号: 11, 期号: 1, 页码: 8388
作者:  Zhong-Mei Huang;  Shi-Rong Liu;  Hong-yan Peng;  Xin Li;  Wei-Qi Huang
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Abrupt change effect of Bandgap energy on quantum system of silicon nanowire 期刊论文
Crystals, 2020, 卷号: 10, 期号: 5, 页码: 340
作者:  Zhong-Mei Huang;  Shi-Rong Liu;  Hong-Yan Peng;  Xin Li;  Wei-Qi Huang
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Synthesis of new silicene structure and its energy band properties 期刊论文
Chinese Physics B, 2020, 卷号: 29, 期号: 8, 页码: 084202
作者:  Wei-Qi Huang;  Shi-Rong Liu;  Hong-Yan Peng;  Xin Li;  Zhong-Mei Huang
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Synthesis of new Si9 material with a direct bandgap and its unique physical properties 期刊论文
Materials Research Express, 2019, 卷号: 6, 期号: 10, 页码: 1-8
作者:  Wei-Qi Huang;  Zhong-Mei Huang;  Shi-Rong Liu;  Hong-Yan Peng
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New Allotrope  coherent Electron Beam  pulsed Laser Deposition  
Open spin levels effect in the localized states on nanosilicon doped with oxygen under the magnetic moment of metal atoms 期刊论文
Physica B: Condensed Matter, 2019, 卷号: 553, 页码: 169-173
作者:  Zhong-Mei Huang;  Wei-Qi Huang;  Shi-Rong Liu;  Xue-Ke Wu
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Spintronics Of Silicon  open Spin Levels  localized States  localized States  surface Of Nanosilicon  adsorbed Metal Atoms  
Surface edge states and enhanced emission on topological insulator of silicon oxide 期刊论文
Surface Science, 2019, 卷号: 684, 页码: 62-66
作者:  Wei-Qi Huang;  Zhong-Mei Huang;  Shi-Rong Liu
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Topological Insulator  silicon Oxide  emission Efficiency  electronic Properties  
Geochronological and geochemical studies of the OIB-type Baiyanghe dolerites: Implications for the existence of a mantle plume in northern West Junggar (NW China) 期刊论文
Geological Magazine, 2019, 卷号: 156, 期号: 4, 页码: 702-724
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Dolerites  oib  subducted Sediments  mantle Plume  
2D Wigner crystals on silicon surface induced by nanosecond pulsed laser 期刊论文
Applied Surface Science, 2018, 卷号: 458, 页码: 264-268
作者:  Zhong-Mei Huang;  Wei-Qi Huang;  Shi-Rong Liu
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2d Electron Crystals  Two-dimensional Lattices  Reflection  Talbot Effect  Plasma  Pn Junction