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一种基于空间像元尺度的喀斯特植被生物量评估方法 专利
专利类型: 发明, 专利号: CN117746971A, 申请日期: 2024-03-22,
Inventors:  吴路华;  白晓永;  罗光杰;  陈飞;  张思蕊;  陈丹;  杨东妮;  谢元欢
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一种折叠式遮阳与可拆卸微灌耦合育苗装置 专利
专利类型: 发明, 专利号: CN117356401A, 申请日期: 2024-01-09,
Inventors:  吴路华;  白晓永;  陈丹;  杨东妮;  罗光杰;  王金凤;  陈飞;  张思蕊;  谢元欢;  贾健兰
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蚕桑产业是推动贵州石漠化治理的新路径 期刊论文
山地学报, 2024, 卷号: 42, 期号: 6, 页码: 903-904
Authors:  崔俊芳;  张信宝;  邢丹;  彭韬;  郑静;  唐家良;  赵爱春
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Quantifying the Health Risks of PM2.5-Bound Heavy Metals for Rural Populations with Different Energy Use Types During the Heating Season 期刊论文
Exposure and Health, 2023
Authors:  Wenju Wang;  Mingya Wang;  Mingshi Wang;  Xuechun Zhang;  Qiao Han;  Chun Chen;  Dan Liu;  Qinqing Xiong;  Chunhui Zhang
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Crustal Growth Identified by High-δ18O Zircon and Olivine: A Perspective from Ultramafic Arc Cumulates in Southern Tibet 期刊论文
Journal of Petrology, 2023, 卷号: 64, 期号: 8
Authors:  Jun Wang;  Qiang Wang;  Peng Sun;  Wei Dan;  AndrewC.Kerr;  Zhi-Ping Zhang;  Le Zhang;  Gangjian Wei;  Han Dong;  Wan-Long Hu;  Zong-Yong Yang;  Xiu-Zheng Zhang;  Yue Qi
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Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Adjusts Root Architecture to Promote Leaf Nitrogen Accumulation and Reduce Leaf Carbon-Nitrogen Ratio of Mulberry Seedlings 期刊论文
Forests, 2023, 卷号: 14, 期号: 12
Authors:  Huirong Zhang;  Hongguang Cheng;  Gratien Twagirayezu;  Fang Zhang;  Yanjin Shi;  Chaobin Luo;  Fan Yan;  Zhenhong Wang;  Dan Xing
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Utilization of desulfurization gypsum potentially impairs the efforts for reducing Hg emissions from coal-fired power plants in China 期刊论文
Fuel, 2022, 卷号: 312, 页码: 122898
Authors:  Qingfeng Wang;  Dan Wang;  Zhonggen Li;  Leilei Fan;  Leiming Zhang;  Xinbin Feng
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Field aging declines the regulatory effects of biochar on cadmium uptake by pepper in the soil 期刊论文
Journal of Environmental Management, 2022, 卷号: 321, 页码: 115832
Authors:  Dan Xing;  Hongguang Cheng;  Zengping Ning;  Yizhang Liu;  Shan Lin;  Yongfu Li;  Xi Wang;  Paul Hill;  Dave Chadwick;  Davey L. Jones
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Aging  biochar  heavy Metal Pollution  uptake  adsorption  
Health risk assessment of PM2.5 heavy metals in county units of northern China based on Monte Carlo simulation and APCS-MLR 期刊论文
Science of The Total Environment, 2022, 卷号: 843, 页码: 156777
Authors:  Wenju Wang;  Chun Chen;  Dan Liu;  Mingshi Wang;  Qiao Han;  Xuechun Zhang;  Xixi Feng;  Ang Sun;  Pan Mao;  Qinqing Xiong;  Chunhui Zhang
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Pm2.5  Heavy Metals  Probabilistic Health Risk  Apcs-mlr  County-level Population  
A model of crust-mantle differentiation for the early Earth 期刊论文
Acta Geochimica, 2022, 卷号: 41, 页码: 689–703
Authors:  Qingwen Zhang;  Dan Zhu;  Wei Du;  Yun Liu
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Crust–mantle differentiation  Heat-pipe tectonics  Plutonic squishy lid tectonics  Proto-crust  TTG  Io