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Insights into Cr(VI) removal mechanism in water by facile one-step pyrolysis prepared coal gangue-biochar composite 期刊论文
Chemosphere, 2022, 卷号: 299, 页码: 134334
作者:  Ruohan Zhao;  Bing Wang;  Xueyang Zhang;  Xinqing Lee;  Miao Chen;  Qianwei Feng;  Shiwan Chen
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Chromium  Solid Waste  Site Energy Analysis  Wastewater Treatment  Adsorption  
Reclaiming phosphorus from secondary treated municipal wastewater with engineered biochar 期刊论文
Chemical engineering journal, 2019, 卷号: 362, 页码: 460-468
作者:  Yulin Zheng;  Bing Wang;  Anne Elise Wester;  Jianjun Chen;  Feng He;  Hao Chen;  Bin Gao
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Biochar  wasteWater Treatment  eutrophication  phosphorous Recycle  fix-bed Column  reclaimed Water And Fertilizer  
Iron and lead ion adsorption by microbial flocculants in synthetic wastewater and their related carbonate formation 期刊论文
Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2013, 卷号: 25, 期号: 12, 页码: 2422–2428
作者:  Minjie Yao;  Bin Lian;  Hailiang Dong;  Jianchao Hao;  Congqiang Liu
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Bacillus Mucilaginosus  Microbial Flocculation  Wastewater Treatment  Carbon Dioxide Fixation  Mineral Carbonation