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Infrared microthermometric and noble gas isotope study of fluid inclusions in ore minerals at the Woxi orogenic Au-Sb-W deposit, western Hunan, South China 期刊论文
Ore Geology Reviews, 2015, 卷号: 65, 期号: 1, 页码: 55-69
作者:  Ya-Nan Zhu;  Jian-Tang Peng
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Fluid Inclusions  Noble Gas Isotope  Ore Minerals  Orogenic Au–sb–w Deposit  
Infrared microthermometric and noble gas isotope study of fluid inclusions in ore minerals at the Woxi orogenic Au–Sb–W deposit, western Hunan, South China 期刊论文
Ore Geology Reviews, 2015, 卷号: 65, 期号: Part 1, 页码: 55-69
作者:  Ya-Nan Zhu;Jian-Tang Peng
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Fluid Inclusions  noble Gas Isotope  ore Minerals  orogenic Au–sb–w Deposit