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In-situ elemental and isotopic compositions of apatite and zircon from the Shuikoushan and Xihuashan granitic plutons:Implication for Jurassic granitoid-related Cu-Pb-Zn and W mineralization in the Na 期刊论文
Ore Geology Reviews, 2018, 卷号: 93, 页码: 382-403
作者:  Jie-Hua Yang;  Li-Fang Kang;  Jian-Tang Peng;  Hong Zhong;  Jian-Feng Gao;  Liang Liu
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In-situ Elemental And Isotopic Compositions  Apatite And Zircon  Xihuashan And Shuikoushan Plutons  Cu-pb-zn And w Mineralization  Nanling Range  South China  
滇西兰坪盆地白秧坪Pb-Zn-Cu-Ag多金属矿床东矿带成矿年代学探讨 期刊论文
矿床地质, 2017, 期号: 3, 页码: 691-704
作者:  冯彩霞;  刘燊;  毕献武;  胡瑞忠;  池国祥;  陈俊瑾;  冯强;  郭晓磊
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地球化学  成矿年代  东矿带  Cu-pb-zn-ag多金属矿床  白秧坪  兰坪盆地  滇西  
The origin of the Dapingzhang volcanogenic Cu-Pb-Zn ore deposit, Yunnan province, SW China: Constraints from host rock geochemistry and ore Os-Pb-S-C-O-H isotopes 期刊论文
Ore Geology Reviews, 2016, 卷号: 75, 期号: 2, 页码: 327-344
作者:  Wei-Guang Zhu;  Hong Zhong;  Yi-Jin Yang;  Tao Ren
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Arc Magmatism  S–pb–c–h–o Isotopes  Pyrite Re–os Isotope  Vms Dapingzhang Cu–pb–zn Deposit  Sw China  
The origin of the Dapingzhang volcanogenic Cu–Pb–Zn ore deposit, Yunnan province, SW China: Constraints from host rock geochemistry and ore Os–Pb–S–C–O–H isotopes 期刊论文
Ore Geology Reviews, 2016, 卷号: 75, 页码: 327-344
作者:  Wei-Guang Zhu;  Hong Zhong;  Yi-Jin Yang;  Tao Ren
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Arc Magmatism  s–pb–c–h–o Isotopes  pyrite Re–os Isotope  vms Dapingzhang Cu–pb–zn Deposit  sw China  
Genesis of the Huangshaping W–Mo–Cu–Pb–Zn polymetallic deposit in Southeastern Hunan Province, China: Constraints from fluid inclusions, trace elements, and isotopes 期刊论文
Ore Geology Reviews, 2016, 卷号: 79, 页码: 1-25
作者:  Li Xiaofeng;  Huang Cheng;  Wang Chunzeng;  Wang Lifa
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W–mo–cu–pb–zn Deposit  fluid Inclusions  trace Elements  isotopes  skarnhuangshaping  south China  
Tracing the ore-formation history of the shear-zone-controlled Huogeqi Cu–Pb–Zn deposit in Inner Mongolia, northern China, using H, O, S, and Fe isotopes 期刊论文
Ore Geology Reviews, 2015, 卷号: 71, 页码: 263-272
作者:  Qiaohui Pi;  Richen Zhong;  Ruizhong Hu
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H–o–s–fe Isotopes  huogeqi  shear Zone  cu–pb–zn  multistage Mineralization  
Tracing the ore-formation history of the shear-zone-controlled Huogeqi Cu-Pb-Zn deposit in Inner Mongolia, northern China, using H, O, S, and Fe isotopes 期刊论文
Ore Geology Reviews, 2015, 卷号: 71, 期号: 1, 页码: 263-272
作者:  Qiaohui Pi;  Richen Zhong;  Ruizhong Hu
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H–o–s–fe Isotopes  Huogeqi  Shear Zone  Cu–pb–zn  Multistage Mineralization  
兰坪盆地白秧坪Cu-Pb-Zn-Ag多金属矿集区元素共生分异机制及物质来源 期刊论文
岩石学报, 2011, 卷号: 27, 期号: 9, 页码: 2609-2624
作者:  冯彩霞;  毕献武;  胡瑞忠;  刘燊;  武丽艳;  唐永永;  邹志超
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共生分异机制  来源  成矿元素  Cu-pb-zn-ag多金属矿集区  白秧坪  兰坪盆地  
Cu-Pb-Zn-Mo-W在含水流体/花岗质熔体间分配的实验研究 学位论文
, 中国科学院地球化学研究所: 中国科学院大学, 2010
作者:  管申进
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Cu-pb-zn-mo-w  斑岩型矿床  流体/熔体体系  分配系数