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Allelopathic effects of phenolic acids on seedling growth and photosynthesis in rhododendron delavayi franch 期刊论文
Photosynthetica, 2019, 卷号: 57, 期号: 2, 页码: 377-387
Authors:  Y.H. FU;  W. X. QUAN;  C.C. LI;  C.Y. QIAN;  F.H. TANG;  X.J. CHEN
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Allelopathy  Gas-exchange Parameters  Photosynthetic Pigment Content  Redundancy Analysis  
Distribution of chemical compounds in different soil layers of rhododendron forest 期刊论文
Allelopathy Journal, 2019, 卷号: 48, 期号: 2, 页码: 191-202
Authors:  Li, CC;   Quan, WX;   Qian, CY;   Wu, YY
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Allelochemicals  allelopathy  chemical compounds  GCMS  palmitic acid  phenolics  rhododendron forest  soils  soil layers