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Field Approaches to Measure Hg Exchange Between Natural Surfaces and the Atmosphere-A Review 期刊论文
Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 2013, 卷号: 43, 期号: 15, 页码: 1657-1739
作者:  Jonas Sommar;  Wei Zhu;  Che-Jen Lin;  Xinbin Feng
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air\-water Exchange  Flux Footprint  Flux Measurement Tools  Gaseous Elemental Mercury  Mercury  micro\-meteorological Techniques  Terrestrial Ecosystems  
Field approaches to measure hg exchange between natural surfaces and the atmosphere - A review 期刊论文
Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 2013, 卷号: 43, 期号: 15, 页码: 1657-1739
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Air-water Exchange  Flux Footprint  Flux Measurement Tools  Gaseous Elemental Mercury  Mercury  micrometeorological Techniques  terrestrial Ecosystems  
Organochlorine pesticides in seawater and the surrounding atmosphere of the marginal seas of China: Spatial distribution, sources and air-water exchange 期刊论文
Science of The Total Environment, 2012, 卷号: 435, 期号: 1, 页码: 244-252
作者:  Tian Lin;  Jun Li;  Yue Xu;  Xiang Liu;  Chunling Luo;  Hairong Cheng;  Yingjun Chen;  Gan Zhang
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Ocps  Atmosphere  Seawater  Air–water Exchange  Marginal Seas Of China  
Seasonal variation of gaseous mercury exchange rate between air and water surface over Baihua reservoir, Guizhou, China 期刊论文
ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 2004, 期号: 38, 页码: 4721-4732
作者:  Feng, XB;  Yan, HY;  Wang, SF;  Qiu, GL;  Tang, SL;  Shang, LH;  Dai, QJ;  Hou, YM
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Water/air Exchange