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Heavy metal pollution and Pb isotopic tracing in the intertidal surface sediments of Quanzhou Bay, southeast coast of China 期刊论文
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2016, 卷号: 105, 期号: 1, 页码: 416-421
作者:  Ruilian Yu;  Weifang Zhang;  Gongren Hu;  Chengqi Lin;  Qiuli Yang
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Heavy Metal  surface Sediment  pollution Evaluation  pb Isotopic Tracing  quanzhou Bay  
Distribution and enrichment of acid-leachable heavy metals in the intertidal sediments from Quanzhou Bay, southeast coast of China 期刊论文
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2011, 卷号: 173, 期号: 1-4, 页码: 107-116
作者:  Gongren Hu;  Ruilian Yu;  Jinxiu Zhao;  Liping Chen
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Acid Leachable  Heavy Metals  Enrichment  Intertidal Sediment  Quanzhou Bay