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Efficient adsorption of iodide from water by chrysotile bundles with wedgeshaped nanopores 期刊论文
Applied Clay Science, 2019, 卷号: 183, 页码: 1-10
作者:  Wenbin Yu;  Huifang Xu;  Eric E. Roden;  Quan Wan
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Adsorption  Chrysotile Bundles  Iodide  Nuclear Waste  Wedge-shaped Nanopore  
Efficient adsorption of iodide from water by chrysotile bundles with wedge-shaped nanopores 期刊论文
Applied Clay Science, 2019, 卷号: 183, 页码: 1-10
作者:  Wenbin Yu;  Huifang Xu;  Eric E. Roden;  Quan Wan
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Adsorption  Chrysotile Bundles  Iodide  Nuclear Waste  Wedge-shaped Nanopore  
Synergistic effects of Ln and Fe Co-Doping on phase evolution of Ca1- xLnxZrTi2-xFexO7 (Ln ¼ La, Nd, Gd, Ho, Yb) ceramics 期刊论文
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2018, 卷号: 511, 页码: 428-437
作者:  Shiyin Ji;  Yuhong Li;  Shengshou Ma;  Chengshuai Liu;  Kaimin Shih;  Chang-Zhong Liao
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Zirconolite  nuclear Waste  phase Transformations  solid Solutions