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Mantle-derived and crustal He and Ar in the ore-forming fluids of the Xihuashang ranite-associated tungsten ore deposit, South China 期刊论文
Ore Geology Reviews, 2019, 卷号: 105, 页码: 605-615
作者:  Wen-Feng Wei;  Rui-Zhong Hu;  Xian-Wu Bi;  Guo-Hao Jiang;  Bing Yan;  Run-Sheng Yin;  Jie-Hua Yang
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Xihuashan Tungsten Deposit  he And Ar Isotopes  ore-forming Fluids  crust-mantle Interaction  south China  
Mantle-derived and crustal He and Ar in the ore-forming fluids of the Xihuashan granite-associated tungsten ore deposit, South China 期刊论文
Ore Geology Reviews, 2019, 卷号: 105, 页码: 605-615
作者:  Wen-Feng Wei;  Rui-Zhong Hu;  Xian-Wu Bi;  Guo-Hao Jiang;  Bing Yan;  Run-Sheng Yin;  Jie-Hua Yang
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Xihuashan Tungsten Deposit  He And Ar Isotopes  Ore-forming Fluids  Crust-mantle Interaction  South China  
Mantle volatiles and heat contributions in high sulfidation epithermal deposit from the Zijinshan Cu-Au-Mo-Ag orefield, Fujian Province, China: Evidence from He and Ar isotopes 期刊论文
Chemical Geology, 2018, 卷号: 480, 页码: 58-65
作者:  Li-Yan Wu;  Rui-Zhong Hu;  Xiao-Feng Li;  Finlay M.Stuart;  Guo-Hao Jiang;  You-Qiang Qi;  Jing-Jing Zhu
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He And Ar Isotopes  ore-forming Fluids  mantle Magmas  zijinshan Orefield  china  
Helium and argon isotope geochemistry of alkaline intrusion-associated gold and copper deposits along the Red River–Jinshajiang fault belt, SW China 期刊论文
Chemical Geology, 2004, 卷号: 203, 期号: 3-4, 页码: 305-317
作者:  Rui-Zhong Hu;  P.G. Burnard;  Xian-Wu Bi;  Mei-Fu Zhou;  Jian-Tang Pen;  Wen-Chao Su;  Kai-Xing Wu
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Red River–jinshajiang  Alkaline Intrusion  Copper And Gold Deposits  Helium And Argon Isotopes  Ore-forming Fluid  Mantle Fluids