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A target-induced and equipment-free biosensor for amplified visual detection of pesticide acetamiprid with high sensitivity and selectivity 期刊论文
Analytical Methods, 2019, 卷号: 11, 期号: 9, 页码: 1168-1173
作者:  Lingwen Zeng;  Danhua Zhou;  Jinghua Wu;  Chengshuai Liu;  Junhua Chen
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A wash-free and label-free colorimetric biosensor for naked-eye detection of aflatoxin B1 using G-quadruplex as the signal reporter 期刊论文
Food Chemistry, 2019, 卷号: 298, 页码: 1-6
作者:  Jinghua Wu;  Lingwen Zeng;  Nianlong Li;  Chengshuai Liu;   Junhua Chen
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Aflatoxin B1  visible Biosensor  g-quadruplex  signal Amplification  peanut Samples  
金山金矿构造控矿特征及其模拟实验 期刊论文
矿物学报, 2007, 卷号: 27, 期号: 2, 页码: 143-152
作者:  吴学益;  尚精华;  张开平
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构造控矿  模拟实验  金山金矿