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吉尔吉斯 Kyzyltokoy 盆地早第三系地层中海绿石形成的地质 条件及成因研究 学位论文
, 中国科学院地球化学研究所: 中国科学院大学, 2018
Authors:  Tursunai Bektemirova
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形成的地质条件  地球化学  海绿石  早第三纪地层  沉积环境  
Mineralogical evolution of the paleogene formations in the kyzyltokoy basin, kyrgyzstan: implications for the formation of glauconite 期刊论文
Clays and Clay Minerals, 2018, 卷号: 66, 期号: 1, 页码: 43-60
Authors:  Bektemirova, Tursunai;  Bakirov, Apas;  Hu, Ruizhong;  He, Hongping;  Cai, Yuanfeng;  tan, Wei;  Chen, Aiqing
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Crystallo-chemical Formula  Glauconite  Maturity  Mineralogy  Paleogene Formations  Sedimentary Environment  
Mineralogical and chemical compositions of glauconite and glauconitic rocks and assumption for the formation of the minerals in the Kyzyltokoy basin, Kyrgyzstan 会议论文
, 湖南长沙, 2015.12.11-2015.12.14
Authors:  Tursunai A. Bektemirova;  Hu Ruizhong;   Apas B. Bakirov;  Il’ya A. Mezgin
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