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Pretreatment method for the analysis of phosphate oxygen isotope (delta O-18(p)) of different phosphorus fractions in freshwater sediments
Yong Liu;  Jingfu Wang;  Jingan Chen;  Runyu Zhang;  Yongxue Ji;  Zuxue Jin
Source PublicationScience of The Total Environment

Accurate measurement of the oxygen isotopic composition of dissolved phosphate (δ18OP) of different phosphorus (P) fractions in lacustrine sediments is very difficult because of the influence of large amounts of impurities. In this study, we developed a five-step method for obtaining high purity Ag3PO4 sample for the analysis of δ18OP of different P fractions in freshwater sediments. Sedimentary P was divided into NaHCO3-P, NaOH-P and HCl-P by chemical sequential extraction. Pretreatment procedures for different sedimentary P fractions were improved in the following respects: 1) abandonment of the magnesium-induced coprecipitation method to avoid the introduction of impurity ions, such as Mg2+ and Cl, and reduce the loss of P; 2) use of a small amount of non-phosphate activated carbon powder to efficiently remove organic matter in extracts of NaHCO3-P and NaOH-P, and reduce the loss of P; 3) adjustment of the HCl-P extract pH to 4 in order to form Fe(OH)3-PO43− coprecipitate, thereby removing most of metals and Cl. This method reduces the pretreatment steps, simplifies the operation and increases the recovery of phosphate (90.98%–96.69%). The high purity Ag3PO4 sample can be obtained and the repeatability and accuracy of measured δ18OP is better than 0.3‰, demonstrating high reliability and accuracy. This new method was used to analyze the δ18OP of different P fractions in sediments of a eutrophic lake in southwestern China. The preliminary results indicated that the δ18OP in the sediments can be used to identify different P sources, and provide new insights into sedimentary P cycling. The method established in this study provides a powerful tool for investigating the sources and biogeochemical cycle of P in freshwater sediments.


KeywordPretreatment Method oxygen Isotopic In Phosphate different Phosphorus Fractions freshwater Sediments eutrophication
Indexed BySCI
Document Type期刊论文
Affiliation1.State Key Laboratory of Environmental Geochemistry, Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IGCAS), Guiyang 550081, PR China
2.University of Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 100049, PR China
3.College of Biological and Environmental Engineering, Guiyang University, Guiyang 550005, PR China
4.College of Resource and Environmental Engineering, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, PR China
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Yong Liu;Jingfu Wang;Jingan Chen;Runyu Zhang;Yongxue Ji;Zuxue Jin. Pretreatment method for the analysis of phosphate oxygen isotope (delta O-18(p)) of different phosphorus fractions in freshwater sediments[J]. Science of The Total Environment,2019,685:229-238.
APA Yong Liu;Jingfu Wang;Jingan Chen;Runyu Zhang;Yongxue Ji;Zuxue Jin.(2019).Pretreatment method for the analysis of phosphate oxygen isotope (delta O-18(p)) of different phosphorus fractions in freshwater sediments.Science of The Total Environment,685,229-238.
MLA Yong Liu;Jingfu Wang;Jingan Chen;Runyu Zhang;Yongxue Ji;Zuxue Jin."Pretreatment method for the analysis of phosphate oxygen isotope (delta O-18(p)) of different phosphorus fractions in freshwater sediments".Science of The Total Environment 685(2019):229-238.
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