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Thesis Advisor唐红峰
Degree Grantor中国科学院研究生院
Place of Conferral北京
Degree Name博士
Degree Discipline矿物学、岩石学、矿床学
Keyword英云闪长质熔体 玄武质熔体 地幔橄榄岩 熔体-岩石(矿物)反应 高镁安山岩 筛状石榴子石 岩石圈地幔 华北克拉通
Abstract大量实例研究证实,华北克拉通岩石圈地幔发生了由难熔型向饱满型的演化,目前对于这一演化发生的机制还存在激烈的争论。在空间上克拉通岩石圈地幔介于陆壳与软流圈之间,因此岩石圈地幔的演化与后两个层圈有密切的关系。陆壳物质可以通过俯冲和/或拆沉作用进入岩石圈地幔形成相对富硅的熔体,而软流圈的上涌也可以导致相对贫硅的熔体加入到岩石圈地幔。为了探讨这些熔体对岩石圈地幔组成的影响,我们在大腔体压力机上以英云闪长岩和玄武岩分别代表富硅和贫硅熔体,开展了硅酸盐熔体与地幔橄榄岩及其组成矿物橄榄石、斜方辉石反应的高温高压实验研究,具体包括:(1)1250-1450°C、2.0-5.0GPa条件下,英云闪长质熔体与橄榄石的反应;(2)1250-1400°C、2.0-4.0GPa条件下,英云闪长质熔体与二辉橄榄岩的反应;(3)1300-1450°C、2.0-4.5GPa条件下,玄武质熔体与二辉橄榄岩的反应;(4)1300-1450°C、2.0-4.5GPa条件下,玄武质熔体与斜方辉石的反应。这些反应产物系统的岩相学和物相化学组成分析结果为正确揭示华北克拉通岩石圈地幔发生演化的机制提供了直接证据。论文的主要结论性认识是: (1)英云闪长质熔体与地幔橄榄岩(橄榄石)反应后的主要产物为斜方辉石,在低温和高压的情况下,矿物组合为Opx+Grt;玄武质熔体与地幔岩石反应的主要产物是Cpx+Grt+Opx,在高温的情况下形成Cpx+Opx,玄武质熔体与斜方辉石反应的主要产物是Cpx+Grt,在高温的情况下,反应产物主要为Cpx。 (2)硅酸盐熔体与地幔岩石(矿物)反应的机制是扩散和溶解-结晶,其中溶解-结晶是反应的主导机制。在熔体和岩石反应过程中,溶解-结晶作用控制着反应边的矿物相组成和新生矿物的化学成分。 (3)英云闪长质熔体与地幔岩石(橄榄石)反应后,残留熔体的MgO含量和Mg#升高,MgO-SiO2演化趋势与华北克拉通内部的高Mg安山岩一致。因此,中性熔体与地幔岩石反应是形成克拉通内部高Mg安山岩的重要途径之一。同时,在较低温的反应中有石榴子石生成,可以导致反应后熔体具有“埃达克”质熔体的特征,因此熔体与地幔岩石反应也可能是华北克拉通内部高Mg埃达克岩形成的途径之一。 (4)来自地壳的富硅熔体与岩石圈地幔橄榄岩反应可以形成不含橄榄石的辉石岩或石榴辉石岩,来自软流圈地幔的贫硅熔体与岩石圈地幔中富斜方辉石而贫单斜辉石的方辉橄榄岩反应,能够形成单斜辉石发育的二辉橄榄岩、辉石岩。因此,硅酸盐熔体与地幔岩石反应可以导致克拉通岩石圈地幔由难熔型向饱满型的演化。 此外,在部分实验产物中发现了具筛状结构石榴子石的生成,证明硅酸盐熔体与地幔岩石(矿物)反应也可以形成含石英的筛状石榴子石,因此高压变质岩中的含石英/柯石英的筛状石榴子石有可能是地幔环境下熔体与岩石反应的产物。筛状石榴子石中石英向柯石英转变的条件与纯石英体系不同,利用石英-柯石英相变线估计高压变质岩的温度压力条件时要考虑体系组成的影响。
Other AbstractA large number of case studies confirmed that the refractory peridotite evolved to fertile peridotite in the North China Craton lithospheric mantle, there is currently a heated debate on the mechanism of this evolution. Cratonic lithosphere between continental crust and mantle asthenosphere in the space, therefore lithospheric mantle evolution are closely related with these two layers. Continental crust can form silicon-fertile melt in the lithospheric mantle by subduction or delamination, while asthenosphere upwelling can form silicon-depleted melt in the lithospheric mantle. In order to investigate the effect of these melt-rock (mineral) reactions in the lithospheric mantle, we choose tonalitic melt to represent silicon-fertile melt and basaltic melt to represent silicon-depleted melt, carrying on silicate melt and mantle peridotite/olivine/orthopyroxene reacion on a six-anvil apparatus. These detail including: (1) 1250-1450°C, 2.0-5.0 GPa, tonalitic melts and olivine reactions; (2) 1250-1400°C, 2.0-4.0GPa, tonalitic melt and lherzolite reactions; (3) 1300-1450°C, 2.0-4.5GPa, basaltic melts and lherzolite reactions; (4) 1300-1450°C, 2.0-4.5GPa, basaltic melt and orthopyroxene reactions. The petrographic and chemical composition of minerals in these reaction products can offer directly evidence for the mechanism of the lithospheric mantle evolution of North China Craton. The followings are the main conclusions of the paper: (1)The orthopyroxene is the main product of the reaction between tonalitic melts and mantle peridotite (olivine), while the reaction rims were formed by minerals assemblage Opx+Grt in the case of low temperature and high pressure. The reaction rim formed by minerals assemblage Cpx+Grt+Opx is the most common case in basaltic melt and mantle rocks reactions, while Cpx+Opx formed at high temperature conditions. The reaction rim formed by minerals assemblage Cpx+Grt is the most common case in basaltic melt and orthopyroxene reaction, while Cpx becomes the main product in the case of high temperature (2)Reaction mechanisms of silicate melts and mantle rocks (minerals) reaction are diffusion and dissolution-crystallization, and dissolution-crystallization is the dominant mechanism of the reaction. Because the dissolution-crystallization progress controls the kinds of minerals in reaction rims and the chemical composition of the new formed minerals. (3)After tonalitic melts and mantle peridotie (olivine) reactions, the MgO content and Mg# of residual melts increase sharply, MgO-SiO2 evolution trends in residual melts and the in HMAs located in North China craton are very similar. Therefore, silicon-fertile melts and mantle peridotite reacion is a possible way to form HMA inner craton. Meanwhile, Garnets form in some run, which will lead to residual melts "Adakite-like". And therefore silicon-fertile melts and mantle peridotite reacion is a possible way to form adakite inner cratons. (4) Silicon-fertile melts (derived from continental crust) and peridotite reactions form the olivine-free pyroxenite or garnet pyroxenite in lithospheric mantle. While silicon-depleted melt (derived from asthenosphere) and peridotite reaction from the clinopyroxene-rich pyroxenite and lherzolite. So, the mantle rock reacts with silicate melts can lead the cratonic lithospheric mantle form refractory type to fertile type. In addition, sieve-texture garnets were found in some runs, so quartz-bearing sieve-texture garnets can form during silicate melts and mantle rocks (minerals) reaction. Therefore the quartz/coesite-bearing garnets in HP and UNP metamorphic rocks may be the products of melt-rock reactions in mantle. Quartz in Sieve-texture garnets has a different quartz-coesite phase transition boundary comparing with pure silica system. So when we use the quartz-coesite phase transition boundary to estimate the diagenetic conditions of metamorphic rock, we should carefully consider the effect of the system.
Subject Area地球深部物质与流体作用地球化学
Document Type学位论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
王明梁. 硅酸盐熔体与地幔岩石(矿物)反应的实验研究[D]. 北京. 中国科学院研究生院,2014.
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