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Thesis Advisor周文戈
Degree Grantor中国科学院研究生院
Place of Conferral北京
Degree Name博士
Degree Discipline矿物学、岩石学、矿床学
Keyword高温高压 六面顶压机 声速测量 液体 液液相变
Abstract高温高压下物质的声速测量是高压科学的一项重要研究内容。过去的几十年,大腔体压机中的声速测量研究已经取得了巨大的进步,在地质、地球物理学和高压物理学等领域得到了充分的应用。目前,大腔体压机上对于多晶固体样品的声速测量,已经有了一整套比较成熟的体系方法,近些年更是得到了飞速的发展。然而在大腔体压机上对软材料和液体物质的声速测量研究的进展却不令人满意,仍存在诸多问题,包括:样品组装所处静水压的问题;高压下液体的密封问题;液体的流动性导致的液体在高压下的厚度确定的问题等。本论文的主要任务是利用新的手段和方法,在参与建立高压静水压固体声速测量技术的基础上,进一步发展一套液体高温高压声速测量技术,并初步应用于软物质、液体和熔体的高压声速研究。论文主要包括四个方面:六面顶压机中常温静水压条件下声速测量技术-液体密封技术;常温静水压条件下铝和汞的声速实验研究;高温高压下熔体钠的声速实验研究以及液-液相变声速的初步研究。 在六面顶压机中,采用固-液传压介质组合(叶蜡石+甘油),实现了静水压环境下金属铝的常温、高压至3.8GPa的声速测量,同时实验中使用了新的压力标定方法,即测量标准样品单晶Z切石英走时结合相关状态方程,多点标定高压腔体压力。由此可以测量软材料在静水压环境中的高压声速。更重要的是,在此过程中还解决了高压下液体的密封问题,为高压下液态物质的声速测量研究奠定了基础。 利用静水压声速测量技术中的流体密封办法,结合新设计的高压下液体长度限制技术,在没有装备同步辐射的六面顶大体积压机上,首次成功的测量到了液体的高压声速。在常温高压下测量了液体汞和固体汞的声速,依据声波在样品中的走时变化,观察到了汞的由液体到固体和由固体到固体的相变。 在此基础上设计了六面顶压机上高温高压熔体声速测量的样品组装,使用样品的熔点来标定了高压腔体内的压力,测量了高压至2 GPa下金属钠熔体493 K的等温高压声速。其数据获得了国际同行的认可,标志着高压同时高温条件下的液体声速测量技术的建立。 利用六面顶压机上高温高压熔体声速测量技术可以测量高温高压下液(熔)体液-液相变过程的声速变化,从而为液-液相变的研究增加了新的研究手段。 六面顶压机上高温高压液态物质声速测量技术的建立以及逐步完善,更进一步地发展了大腔体压机的声速测量技术,其研究对象也由单一的硬材料,扩展至软材料、单晶材料和液体,极大地拓展了六面顶压机声速研究的应用。 关键字:高温高压,六面顶压机,声速测量,液体,液-液相变。
Other AbstractThe measurement of sound velocity of materials under high temperature and high pressure (HTHP) is an important research content in high pressure science and it has made great progress in the past several decades and applied to geology, geophysics and high pressure physics. Up to date, the system of measurement of sound velocity for polycrystalline solid sample on large-volume press (LVP) had already built completely and got rapid development these years, but for soft and liquid materials, it has a lot of problems, such as the hydrostatic circumstance of sample, poor sealing effect of liquid under high pressure and the enormous difficulty exists in measuring the thickness of liquid sample at high pressure. The purpose of this thesis is to solve these problems and develop a technique of sound velocity measurement for liquid under HTHP on large-volume cubic apparatus, and preliminarily apply it to the measurement of sound velocity for soft materials and liquid or melt, based on the cooperative establishment of technique of sound velocity measurement for solid sample under hydrostatic pressure on LVP. This thesis includes mainly four parts, the first is about sealing technique of liquid under high pressure: measurement of sound velocity for soft sample under room temperature and hydrostatic pressure, the second is about measurement of sound velocity of aluminum and mercury under room temperature and hydrostatic pressure, the third is about measurement of sound velocity of sodium melt under HTHP and an attempt of using sound velocity to discuss liquid-liquid transitions induced by high pressure as the final part. Using a solid-liquid hybrid assembly in large-volume cubic apparatus, we measured the sound velocity of aluminum under room temperature and hydrostatic pressure (up to 3.8 GPa). In this experiment we used a new method to calibrate sample pressure, that is combining the travel time of standard sample Z-cut quartz and related equation of state to multi-point calibrate pressure. Method in this experiment could be applied to measure the sound velocity of soft materials under room temperature and hydrostatic pressure. 
Subject Area地球深部物质与流体作用地球化学
Document Type学位论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
宋伟. 六面顶压机中高温高压液态物质声速测量技术与应用研究[D]. 北京. 中国科学院研究生院,2013.
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