单种属泥炭纤维素碳稳定同位素组成与全新世青藏高原东部西南季风变化 | |
Alternative Title | Correlation between Indian Ocean summer monsoon and stable carbon isotopic composition from Mono-species plant cellulose ,in the Hplocene. |
洪冰 | |
Subtype | 博士 |
2005 | |
Degree Grantor | 中国科学院地球化学研究所 |
Place of Conferral | 中国科学院地球化学研究所 |
Degree Name | 博士 |
Degree Discipline | 地球化学 |
Keyword | 泥炭 木里苔草 植物纤维素 碳稳定同位素 全新世季风 北大西洋 |
Abstract | 泥炭的形成和积累主要受控于气候,其次是地质、地貌和水文等因素。作为一种重要和理想的气候信息载体,泥炭己经与冰芯、海洋及湖泊沉积、黄土堆积、洞穴碳酸盐沉积、树轮和珊瑚礁等其它类型的自然地质档案一样,逐渐为国内外致力于古气候变化研究的学者所接受,并将其重点应用于全新世以来气候变化信息的提取。本研究在已有的泥炭混合植物残体纤维素碳稳定同位素记录青藏高原东部地区气候信息的基础上,首次提取泥炭中单一种属植物残体一木里苔草(Calexmulieensis)纤维素,测定其碳稳定同位素,并以其时间序列作为一种新的西南季风代用指标,揭示该区域全新世以来气候变化。研究表明:1.木里苔草的碳稳定同位素时间序列是西南季风强度变化的敏感代用指标。约11800~11加0 cal aBP期间,木里苔草纤维素的613C记录处于最大值,表明该时段西南季风活动鼻弱,气候干冷,对应于普遍发生并存在的新仙女木事件;它清晰地指示了该区全新世的下限年龄为约11200 cal aBP(14c年龄约9900aB玲从约11200 oal aBP起该区迅速进入湿暖的全新世阶段,季风活动迅速增强;在约10800~5500 cal aBP期间,季风总体保持在强盛状态,但其间有4次突然减弱,气候变干冷;约从5500 cala即起季风活动在波动中逐渐减弱,其中有4次减弱最为明显。2.木里苔草纤维素碳同位素所记录的犯000年以来的所有9次西南季风活动的突然减弱与同时期北大西洋发生的冰力}漂移碎屑沉积物事件(IRD事件)一一对应。这种密切的相关关系表明,西南季风强度的波动可能是对全球气候变化特别是对海洋热盐环流引起的地球南北方气撇动变化的响应。3.木里苔草纤维素碳稳定同位素所指示的西南季风有952,乓57,475,312,211和77年等一系列周期。其中557年和77年两个周期分别与北大西洋深层海水环流的550年的周期和76年的气候周期非常吻合。这表明西南季风与北大西洋气候间有很好的相关关系。由于557年和77年的季风周期又都分别类似于53。年和80年的太阳活动周期,这表明太阳活动可能对西南季风和北大西洋气候间的联系有着影响。4.红原泥炭木里苔草纤维素和泥炭混合纤维素别3c时间序列在千年至万年时间尺度上的变化趋势很相近。两种代用记录都一致反映了冰后期的气候变化,即均指示西南季风强度变化可分为三个明显的大阶段。这说明它们对过去12000年的西南季风变化具有相同的响应。对于目前经过较详细研究的那些全球大范围发生的突然气候变化事件,木里苔草纤维素δ~(13)C代用记录与泥炭混合纤维素δ~(13)C代用记录一样,都有相同的响应,但是,相对于泥炭中单一的木里苔草敏感地记录到历次北大西洋I劝事件而言,泥炭混合纤维素δ~(13)C记录对其中的几次突然气候变化事件似乎没有表现出明显的响应。这个结果表明对数百年尺度的突然气候变化,木里苔草纤维素比混合纤维素的酬3c指标似乎要更敏感一点。因此,在能获得足够数量的单种植物·残体的情况下,单种植物残体纤维素的δ~(13)C指标有很好的使用价值。 |
Other Abstract | Since the formation of the peat is mainly controlled by the climate condition, peat deposition contains a lot of the palaeoclimatical and palaeoenvironmental inforaiation. As one of the best climate information medium, peat deposition has been gradually approved by the research field of palaeoclimate change as other geological record, e.g. ice core, loess, tree ring and sediments of ocean and lake. In recent decade, the point of this study is to pick up the climate change signal information of the Holocene. In the research based on the paleoclimatic information from stable carbon isotopic composition from mixed plant cellulose in Hongyuan peat bog, the remains cellulose of mono-species plant, Carex mulieensis, spanning around 12000 years, has been selected from the same peat bog first time, and the 8 13C of the cellulose has also §een determined. As a high-resolution proxy record for the Indian Ocean summer monsoon, the 8 13C time series of the Carex mulieensis reveal the climate change information of the eastern of the Tibet Plateau as the following: 1. The S 13C time series of the Carex mulieensis cellulose has been considered as a sensitive proxy indicator for the strength of the India Ocean summer monsoon. In the period from 11200 to 11800 cal aBP corresponding to the Younger Dryas, the 8 13C values of the Carex mulieensis are highest, indicating lowest relative humidity and temperature in the Hongyuan site, which can be attributed to the weakest summer monsoon activity. It is clearly shown that the lower age limit of Holocene of the region is 11200 cal aBP (14C age 9900 a BP). From around 11200 cal aBP, the 5 13C values of Carex mulieensis cellulose decrease rapidly which reflects transition from weak to strong activity of the Indian Ocean summer monsoon and the climate of this region became humid and warm. In the early-middle Holocene (around 10800-5500 cal aBP), the 5 13C time series of the Carex mulieensis. show generally a low level which indicates the strong activity of the Indian Ocean summer monsoon though there are 4 abrupt increases of the the 5 3C values of Carex mulieensis cellulose which indicates the lower activity of the monsoon. From around 5500 cal aBP onward, the 8 13C time series of the Carex mulieensis cellulose show increases gradually, which indicates that the strength of the summer monsoon generally tends to gradual decrease in the region, in particular, 4 weak activity of monsoon have been recorded. 2. The nigh abrupt variation events of the Indian Ocean summer monsoon, , recorded by 6 13C time series of the Carex mulieensis cellulose, strongly corresponding to the 9 ice-rafted debris events occurring in the North Atlantic Ocean during the same period . Evidence from the two proxy records indicates the teleconnection between Indian Ocean summer monsoon and North Atlantic climate may be linked to abrupt reorganization of the ocean thermohaline circulation, changing the temperature and moisture gradient over southern subtropical Indian Ocean. 3. Power spectrum analysis of the 6 13C time series of the Carex mulieensis cellulose indicates that there are strongly corresponding climatic change, cycle between Indian Ocean summer monsoon and North Atlantic Ocean. Since there are same corresponding between solar activity and summer monsoon, the influence of the solar activity on the correlation between Indian Ocean summer monsoon and North Atlantic Ocean probably existed. 4. The 5 13C time series of the Carex mulieensis cellulose and mixed plant cellulose have the same tendency in the past 12000 years. Both of them reflect the climate change of post-glacial and indicate there are same responses to the variation of Indian Ocean summer monsoon. Compare to the sensitive response to all of the IRD of Atlantic from 8 13C record of Carex mulieensis cellulose, the mixed plant cellulose does not show the same sensitivity. It could not be confirmed that the sensitivity of mixed plant cellulose that use to reflex the Indian Ocean summer monsoon is lower than that of the Carex mulieensis. Further research need to be carried out to investigate the unclear mechanism. |
Pages | 87 |
Language | 中文 |
Document Type | 学位论文 |
Identifier | http://ir.gyig.ac.cn/handle/352002/3736 |
Collection | 研究生_研究生_学位论文 |
Recommended Citation GB/T 7714 | 洪冰. 单种属泥炭纤维素碳稳定同位素组成与全新世青藏高原东部西南季风变化[D]. 中国科学院地球化学研究所. 中国科学院地球化学研究所,2005. |
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