中国东南部晚中生代以来的基性岩脉(体)的地质地球化学特征及其地球动力学意义初探-以江西省为例 | |
Alternative Title | Late Mesozoic and Cenozoic Mafic Dikes (bodies) from Southeastern China: geological and geochemical characteristics and its geodynamics-a case of Jiangxi Province |
谢桂青 | |
2003 | |
Degree Grantor | 中国科学院地球化学研究所 |
Place of Conferral | 中国科学院地球化学研究所 |
Degree Name | 博士 |
Degree Discipline | 地球化学 |
Keyword | 基性岩脉 基性岩体 地球化学 地球动力学 中新生代 江西省 |
Abstract | 基性岩脉具有特殊的地球动力学意义,一直是近十年来国际上研究的热点和重点。至今共举办过四次关于岩脉的国际专题大会,掀起了基性岩脉的研究高潮,分别从其分布、形态、古地磁、岩石学、地球化学、年代学和构造演化等方面进行了系统的研究。由于出露面积的关系,岩脉或岩脉群往往容易被人忽略,直到最近五年来中国东部中新生代基性岩脉的地球动力学意义才引起地质学者的关注,甚至有些学者指出中国东部中生代基性岩脉的研究可以填补国际上对此方面的空白。对中国东南部中生代基性岩脉的系统研究主要集中在粤北地区,琼南、福建沿海一带、湘东南、某些热液矿床的矿区的基性岩脉得到零星的研究,缺少对中国东南部更大范围的和系统的研究。另外,中国东南部晚中生代部分基性岩体与地壳拉张有关,但研究多集中于沿海一带,对于内陆基性岩体的构造应力体制是否与基性岩脉类似。本论文选择了江西省晚中生代以来的基性岩脉(体)为研究对象,运用矿物学、元素和同位素地球化学及K-Ar测年等研究方法,首次较为系统地研究了江西省晚中生代以来的基性岩脉、与地壳拉张有关的基性侵入岩体的地质地球化学特征,并利用对其形成时代、源区性质的研究来探讨中国东南部地壳拉张期次、地幔性质等地球动力学背景中的关键性问题。通过研究取得了以下几点初步认识:1系统地进行野外地质考察和采样,并收集前人的研究资料,发现江西省的基性岩脉的岩石类型主要为煌斑岩、辉-长辉绿岩、辉绿岩、辉绿(珍)岩等,相对较多,主要呈三条北北东向带状分布,分别为星子-上高-萍乡、德兴-余江-相山-吉安-上犹、草桃背-岩背-大吉山。2对江西省的基性岩脉和部分与地壳拉张有关的墓性岩体进行全岩K-Ar定年,结果表明,基性岩脉的形成时代为140-50Ma,再结合中国东南部发育的富碱侵入岩(包括A型花岗岩)和已发表的基性岩脉的年代学资料,作者认为中国东南部地壳拉张可能共有六期,分别为50-6OMa、90士Ma、100-11OMa、125士Ma、140士Ma、165~180 Ma。3对赣南车步辉长岩类的地质特征、矿物学和地球化学特征进行了研究,着重讨论它与沿海辉长岩类构造环境和源区性质的不同,研究表明它可能是中国东南部中侏罗世软流圈上涌、岩石圈伸展和地壳裂解的产物,而沿海白至纪辉长宕类的构造环境是弧后拉张盆地;车步辉味岩类的源区可能是未受到明显俯冲组分影响的富集地幔,而沿海白翌纪辉长岩类的源区可能包含较多俯冲组分。4对赣南大吉山地区和赣北地区早白圣世基性岩脉的地质地球化学特征进行了系统的研究,表明它们可能代表中国东南部早白至世初存在一次重要的岩石圈伸展和地壳拉张事件。但两者在岩石序列、微量元素、同位素方面存在明显不同,结合区域地质背景,认为造成赣南和赣北地区早白坐世的基性岩脉源区不同的可能原因是岩石圈地慢组成不同和/或形成基性岩脉的岩浆深度不同。5通过对江西省早白至世欧特里夫期(125士Ma)基性岩脉的地质、矿物学和地球化学特征进行研究,发现中国东南部的确存在早白至世欧特里夫期(125士Ma)基性岩脉,代表一次重要地壳拉张事件,其源区可能由亏损地幔、EMI和EMII地幔组成,后面两种类型地幔可能是先前受俯冲流体影响的成分不均一的富集岩石圈地幔。6通过对江西省早白至世未期(100-11oMa)和晚白至世(90士Ma)的基性岩脉(体)的地质地球化学特征进行研究,强有力的表明江西省存在100-110Ma、90士Ma两期地壳拉张,与粤北地区类似。本论文研究表明晚白至世的地壳拉张除了形成基性岩脉外,还形成同时代的基性岩体。这两期的基性岩脉(体)的源区可能由亏损地幔、EMI和EMll地幔组分组成,与(125士Ma)基性岩脉类似,但早白至世未期(100-110Ma)基性岩脉的源区可能含有相对较高的亏损地幔组分。7通过对江西省中部古新世的基性岩脉(体)的地质地球化学特征进行研究,发现了江西省中部的确存在50-60Ma地壳拉张事件。本期的基性岩脉(体)微量元素含量、MORB标准化模式和同位素与前面白至纪的基性岩脉(体)明显不同,软流圈参与其源区明显增多。8通过对中侏罗世以来基性岩脉(体)地质地球化学的系统研究,表明中国东南部晚中生代以来地幔性质发生了明显变化,总体变化趋势为亏损地幔代替富集地幔,这种过程与软流圈上涌、岩石圈伸展和地壳拉张有关:主要机制可能为岩石圈减薄,当然不排除其他机制。 |
Other Abstract | Mafic dikes are of importance and potential in geodynamics studies, four international dike conferences launched in 1985, 1990,1995,2002 energized the global study of mafic dikes, A number of geological and geochemical and geophysical investigations including distribution and emplacement and geometry and plaeomagnetism and petrologic and geochemical and isotopic dating and tectonic evolution have undertaken on mafic dikes from earth and venues and Mars in the last two decades, the geodynamics of maifc dikes have been received serious attention by a number of geologist. In general, they are in area too little to easily neglect their scientific implications, Mesozoic and Cenozoic mafic dikes in east China holding on geodynamics setting have not been invited attention by some geologists utile last five years, even some geologists point out the recognition for them is important in developing a better understanding of distribution characteristics from global mafic dikes. Petrologic and geochemical investigations of mafic dikes in detail were concentrated-in north Gangdong from southeast China so far, a few half-backed study on mafic dikes of south Hainan and coastal belt of Fujian and southeast Hunan and ore region of some hydrothermal deposits, so systemically and large area investigations of mafic dikes from southeast China is still few and need to undertake in the future. In addition, previous geological works revealed that some late Mesozoic basic igneous bodies were related to crust extension in southeast China, but this conclusion are mainly draw from, preliminary investigations of basic igneous bodies from coastal :;helt in southeast China. This paper is to choose late Mesozoic and Cenozoic mafic dikes (bodies) relating to crust extension from Jiangxi, use new mineral composition, major element, trace element, Sr-Nd isotopic and K Ar ages data of them to systematically investigate, their geological and-geochemical characteristics and to preliminary discuss crust extension episodes and mantle characteristics through emplacement time and source characteristics of mafic dikes (bodies).The following conclusions have been drawn: (1) According their field and petrologic characteristics and building upon previous works, Late Mesozoic and Cenozoic mafic dikes (bodies) form Jiangxi province are complex in rock associations which are compose of lamprophyre and gabbro-diabase and.diabase and diabase-porphyrite, are mainly distributed into three north-north-eastern strike belt including Xingzi-Shanggao- Pingxiang and Dexing-Yujiang-Xiangshan-Jian-Shangyou and Caotaobei- Dajishan. (2) According to K-Ar isotopic ages of maifc dikes (bodies), They are mainly formed on range of 140~50Ma.Combining with emplacement age of alkaline-rich igneous rock from previous works, There are six episodes of crust extension since late Mesozoic in southeast China, are named as: 50-60 Ma (Paleocene),90 + Ma(late Cretaceous), 100-110Ma(late epoch of early Cretaceous), 125 ±Ma(middle epoch of early Cretaceous), 140 ± Ma(early epoch of early Cretaceous) and 165-180 Ma(middle and late Jurassic), respectively. (3) A number of geological and mineral composition and geochemical investigations indicate that the deep geodynamics process and mantle characteristics of middle Jurassic gabbros suits from south Jiangxi province are distinguish from Cretaceous gabbros suits from coastal belt of Fijian province, the former are related to mantle upwelling and lithosphere extension, the later are related to subduction and lie on back-arc basin in tectonic environment. (4) 140±Ma(early epoch of early Cretaceous) mafic dikes from south and. North Jiangxi province, respectively, are available to comparative geological arid geochemical discuss reveal that they are related to curst extension event and distinguish between rock series and trace element and isotopic characteristics of mafic dikes from south and north Jiangxi. In view of regional geological setting, the author thinks that source characteristics of them result from difference in emplacement depth and /or mantle composition. (5)In this paper, 125±Ma (middle epoch of early Cretaceous) of mafic dikes (bodies) are found in Jiangxi province, have probably confirmed that there are 125 ±Ma (middle epoch of early Cretaceous) important crust extension events in southeast China indeed. The source of mafic dikes (bodies) are mixed with depleted mantle and enrichment mantle (including EM I and EM II )which are probably subdction-modified heterogeneous lithosphere mantle in the earlier stages. This paper reveals that 100-llOMa and 90±Ma mafic dikes(bodies) have occurred in Jiangxi province, being similar to south Gangdong province, representing two important episodes of crust extension in southeast China. The source of 100-11 OMa and 90 ± Ma mafic dikes (bodies)is similar to that ofl25±Ma mafic dikes, and the source of 100-11 OMa mafic dikes (bodies) include more depleted mantle content. 50-60Ma(Paleocene) of mafic dikes (bodies) are found in Jiangxi province, have probably confirmed that there are 50-60Ma(Paleocene) important crust extension events in southeast China indeed. The source of mafic dikes (bodies) are mixed with depleted mantle and enrichment mantle, but the contents of the former is more than that of the later. (8) Combining with Cenozoic basalts and mantle xenoliths from southeast China, Source characteristics of late Mesozoic and Paleocene mafic dikes (bodies) indicate that there are the shifting from lithosphere-derived (late Mesozoic) to asthenosphere-derived (Cenozoic) in southeast China, which is related to asthenosphere upwelling and lithosphere extension, resulting from thinning of the lithosphere, of course probably from other mechanism. |
Pages | 126 |
Language | 中文 |
Document Type | 学位论文 |
Identifier | |
Collection | 研究生_研究生_学位论文 |
Recommended Citation GB/T 7714 | 谢桂青. 中国东南部晚中生代以来的基性岩脉(体)的地质地球化学特征及其地球动力学意义初探-以江西省为例[D]. 中国科学院地球化学研究所. 中国科学院地球化学研究所,2003. |
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