| 松嫩平原西部景观地球化学特征及其演化 |
| 邓伟
| 2001
学位授予单位 | 中国科学院地球化学研究所
学位授予地点 | 中国科学院地球化学研究所
学位名称 | 博士
学位专业 | 地球化学
关键词 | 松嫩平原西部
摘要 | 盐渍化的发生是一个盐分动态过程,利用植物生长条件下盐分迁移模型对这个过程进行了定量模拟和预测研究,根据松嫩平原西部水、土环境特征,计算过程中综合考虑了土壤中多组分迁移及主要离子的化学作用。松嫩平原西部景观地球化学环境的演化受多种物质体系、能量体系、结构体系和功能体系的共同作用与控制。地带性气候是景观地球化学环境演化的基础动力条件;地质环境为表生地球化学元素提供了物源;地形地貌控制着表生地球化学元素的迁移方向;水文地质条件促进景观地球化学环境的演化;同时人为因素是松嫩平原西部景观地球化学环境演化的重要驱动因子。松嫩平原西部景观地球化学环境在长期的历史演化过程中,存在地质时期、土壤时期、生态时期、技术时期等演化时间尺度,并且这些尺度具有密切的相互联系。松嫩平原西部不同群落生态系统的平衡与土壤中景观地球化学元素之间具有耦合关系。景观地球化学元素的迁移和积累受地表水和潜水系统的双重影响。人类生存行为影响景观地球化学环境的演变及景观地球化学流在不同方向上强度的改变,使得景观内原始积累状况发生改变,造成不同景观带中元素迁移积累,形成不同的景观群落。植物群落与一定的景观地球化学条件相互适应,当景观中土壤及水环境条件变化时,引起群落在不同方向上的演替;反之,植物生态系统的演替过程也会影响到土壤地球化学条件的改变,二者之间存在着密切的耦合关系。松嫩平原西部干旱-半干旱的气候条件与地貌、及生态地质条件相互叠加,构成本区特殊的景观结构。在不同的景观地球化学梯度影响下,植物的生长发育状况不同,大多数植物沿景观地球化学梯度,生长状况表现为钟形曲线,这是地球化学梯度和植被生态梯度的耦合效应。生态脆弱带景观地球化学障的形成是景观地球化学分异的根本原因,由于分异造成不同的景观地球化学条件,从而引起生态梯度变化。松嫩平原西部土壤及潜水中盐分离子特别是Na+、HCO3-、Cl-离子含量高,其对植物的生长产生重要的影响。一方面,环境中过高的盐分浓度影响植物对营养物质的有序吸收,并产生毒害作用,表现在:(1)延缓土壤中营养元素的迁移和固定,(2)干扰根系对营养物质的吸收,(3)干扰植物体内营养物质的新陈代谢,减少营养物质利用的有效性。通过对盐渍化环境和非盐渍化环境下植物生长实验分析,土壤中盐分引起土壤溶液渗透势、土壤水势、植物水势及冠层水势降低,从而引起植物蒸腾作用减弱,植物的生长受到抑制,生物量明显降低。另一方面,西部土壤中高含量的代换性Na+(ESP),是抑制植物生长的又一重大因素,其主要是影响土壤物理性状,使土壤的通透性变差,土壤持水力和水渗透率明显降低,影响根系发育和植物对土壤水分的吸收,从而间接影响植物群落的分布及演化,土壤盐渍化对松嫩平原西部景观地球化学特征起着决定性作用。松嫩平原西部景观地球化学恢复的关键是在研究区域地区地球化学障的基础上,调整破坏的地球化学流,采用生物、物理及化学措施综合进行治理,使生态系统回到平衡发育的状态。在此过程中必须坚持生产功能与保护功能相结合,人与生物控制共生的原则。根据潜水与植物生长关系模型分析,通过淋洗,可使土壤中“盐峰”接近潜水面。但在干旱-半干旱条件下,降雨很难满足淋洗的需求。为此,灌溉淋洗和洪水“淡化”成为人类和自然两种有效的调节。水利工程在调控江河湖泊自然水量及蓄洪的同时,也从根本上改变了江河、湖泊一体的环境结构,从而影响到水域景观中的景观地球化学流,使景观内水文地球化学环境发生改变。在利用水资源进行农业生产时,应进行科学合理规划和建立科学的灌溉用水管理制度,以确保西部景观地球化学环境的平衡发育及恢复。 |
其他摘要 | The Songnen Plain is situated at the transition zone between the regions of subhumid, semiarid and arid climate, and it is a typical ecotone of agriculture and livestock husbandry. Impacted by the natural factors and the human activity, its eco-environment is rather fragile. Salinization is the primary problem emerged in this landscape. Such landscape geochemical problems have their own spacial, temporal and coupling characteristics. The study of the characteristics of landscape geochemistry in the Songnen plain, the determinative factors and kinetic condition of its development and succession, and the coupling effect of landscape geochemical grads and vegetational ecologic grads, as well as the further exploration of theory and method for the restoration of landscape geochemistry, will not only provide theoretic foundation for the ecologic construction on the Songnen plain, but also enrich the knowledge of landscape geochemistry and the study of fragile eco-enviromuent through the analyses of the happen, fluxion of the landscape geochemical flow and the coupling study of landscape geochemical grads and vegetational ecologic grads. The tectonic movement established the overall geomorphic pattern of the Songnen plain. This factor, combined with the human activity and exogenic processes such as the wind action, fluviation, freeze-thaw action and so on, has created the current landscape geochemical pattern with regional characteristics. The geomorphic landscape determines the characteristics of regional landscape geochemical environment. In different landscapes, the soil development processes and effects are different and this will influence the distribution of vegetation. Meanwhile, the geomorphic landscape also controls the groundwater table, the seepage flow and its drainage mode, and the redistribution of precipitation, thus can affects the rate of transference and enrichment of elements in the soil. The Songnen plain is a large-scale Mesozoic depressed basin formed on the basis of Paleozoic plicated plinth. And the neotectonic movement shaped the current geomorphic pattern of landscape of the Songnen plain on the whole. Then during the long period exogenous process, different relief types such as the fluvial landform, lacustrine landform, wind landform and so on had came
into being. Among those the fluvial landform and wind landform are the main types. Controlled by the regional climate and the geologic-geomorphic pattern as well as the biology, the zonal soil and vegetation here appears as chemozem and prarie meadow respectively. At local underlaying surfaces, there are also some azonal vegetation and soil. |
页数 | 100
语种 | 中文
文献类型 | 学位论文
条目标识符 | http://ir.gyig.ac.cn/handle/352002/3558
专题 | 研究生_研究生_学位论文
推荐引用方式 GB/T 7714 |
邓伟. 松嫩平原西部景观地球化学特征及其演化[D]. 中国科学院地球化学研究所. 中国科学院地球化学研究所,2001.