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Alternative TitleGeochemistry and Mineralogy of Albites from Gold deposits in the Liulincha Ore Belt, Western Hunan
Degree Grantor中国科学院地球化学研究所
Place of Conferral地球化学研究所
Degree Name博士
Keyword柳林汊金矿带 钠长石 矿物学 元素地球化学 流体包裹体
Abstract湘西雪峰山地区是湖南最重要的黄金产地,湖南省80%以上的金矿床均赋存在该区前寒武系的浅变质岩中。柳林汊金矿带位于湘西雪峰山中段的北部,尽管该金矿带发现较早,采矿历史很长,但地质工作程度较低。在系统野外调研的基础上,本课题组首次确认柳林汊一带金矿床为典型的钠长石-石英脉型金矿床,明显有别于雪峰山地区其它石英脉型金矿床。本学位论文以该区四个有典型代表性的钠长石-石英脉型金矿为研究对象,在系统野外地质考察和系统采样的基础上,利用矿物学、元素地球化学、同位素地球化学、流体地球化学等研究手段,对该区金矿床的载金矿物—钠长石进行了较详细的矿物学和地球化学研究。在此基础上初步探讨了柳林汊一带金矿床的成矿流体来源、成矿物质来源、成矿时代及矿床成因。本论文主要取得以下几点新认识: 1.柳林汊金矿带金矿床的矿脉中的这些长石呈肉红色,在镜下通常呈板条状、粒状,解理不发育,双晶以聚片双晶为主,负低突起,干涉色一级灰白到一级淡黄。本文首次确认了该区矿脉中的肉红色长石为低温、高有序度的钠长石,该区的金矿类型为典型的钠长石-石英脉型金矿。 2.该区钠长石具Ab含量高,An、Or含量极低等特征,接近纯钠长石。钠长石中Sr 含量相对较高而稀土含量普遍较低,通常为LREE富集型,无明显的Eu、Ce异常。 3.柳林汊一带金矿脉中钠长石的氧同位素组成为10.2‰~14.5‰,对应的成矿流体的δ18O‰为1.9‰~6.9‰。该区成矿流体可能主要来自经演化的大气降水。 4.与钠长石共生的石英中的包裹体主要以液体包裹体为主。其均一温度为140~300℃,盐度为1~8%NaCl,成矿流体的密度为0.60~0.99g/cm3。该区金矿床成矿流体具中低温、低盐度和中等密度等特征。 5.根据本区金矿床的地质特征,并结合前人对湘西地区金矿床的研究成果,提出该区金矿的成矿物质来源为元古宇板溪群,成矿时代为加里东期,矿床的成因类型为层控的热液改造型金矿床。 关键词:柳林汊金矿带 钠长石 矿物学 元素地球化学 流体包裹体 矿床成因
Other AbstractXuefeng district is an important Au-producer in Hunan Province, more than 80 percent gold deposits in this province occur in the Precambrian metamorphic rock series in the Xuefeng district. The Liulincha gold ore belt is located at northern of the central Xuefengshan, although this gold ore belt had been found and mined for a long time, the geological researches on these gold deposits are still rare. Based on systematic field investigation, our research team for the first time confirms that the gold depsoits in Liulincha are of typical albite-quartz vein type, and these gold deposits are significantly different from other quartz vein type gold deposits in the Xuefeng district. Based on systematic field investigation and sampling, this master’s dissertation placed emphasis on mineralogy, element geochemistry, isotope geochemistry, and fluid inclusion geochemistry of the four representative gold deposits in this area, and more details of mineralogy and geochemistry of albite as gold-bearing mineral had been discussed. Based on the above researches, this dissertation preliminary discussed the sources of ore-forming fluid and materials, the mineralization epoch and ore genesis of gold deposits in the Liulincha district. Some new conclusions are obtained in this dissertation as follows: 1.The feldspars in ore veins are pink in color in this area. Some characteristics of the studied feldspars under microscope can be listed as follows: the feldspars occur as lamellae and grains, weakened cleavage, polysynthetic twin, negative relief, grey to yellowish. It is shown for the first time that the feldspars in ore veins in the studied area are albites, these albites are cryogenic and high ordering degree. The gold deposits in this area are typical albite-quartz vein type ones. 2.The albites always contain high amount of Ab, and the amount of Or and An is lower, the albite is close to pure albite. The amount of Sr is higher than any other elements, and the LREE concentrations are usually relatively high, and no obvious Eu, Ce anomaly have been observed. 3.The oxygen isotopic compositions of albites separates vary in the range of 10.2‰~14.5‰, the δ18O‰ values of the corresponding fliud are 1.9‰~6.9‰. The ore-forming fluid is characterized by the hydrothermal fluid which was derived from the evolved meteoric water. 4.The liquid inclusions are dominatant in quartz co-existing with albite, its homogeneous temperatures vary in the range of 140~300℃, and its salinities fall in the range of 1~8 wt%NaCl, and the calculated densities of the ore-forming fluid range from 0.60 to 0.99g/cm3. The ore-forming fluids in the gold deposits of Liulincha gold ore belt is characterized by low-moderate temperature, low salinity and moderate density. 5.Combined with the previous researches in western Hunan, the origin of gold deposits of Liulincha ore belt were determined, that is, its ore-forming materials are derived from the Proterozoic Banxi group, and its mineralization epoch is Caledonian Period, the genetic type of gold deposits in the studied area is of hydrothermal-reworked stratabound origin. Key words: Liulincha gold ore belt; albite; mineralogy; element geochemistry; fluid inclusions; ore genesis
Document Type学位论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
王国强. 湘西柳林汊金矿带钠长石的矿物学和地球化学研究[D]. 地球化学研究所. 中国科学院地球化学研究所,2009.
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