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Alternative TitleBiogeochemical cycle of sulfur in soils on slopes of karst areas,Southwest China
Degree Grantor中国科学院地球化学研究所
Place of Conferral地球化学研究所
Degree Name博士
Keyword喀斯特坡地 石灰土 黄壤 硫形态 硫酸盐还原菌(srb) 硫同位素 硫循环
Abstract我国西南喀斯特和酸沉降双重背景下的土壤硫循环实际上与碳酸盐岩溶解及土壤质量演化密切相关。目前,国内有关喀斯特地区土壤硫生物地球化学循环的研究还鲜见报道。 本论文以典型喀斯特地区石灰土和黄壤为研究对象,研究自然坡地土壤中硫的赋存状态及其同位素组成特征,硫循环关键微生物硫酸盐还原菌(SRB)的分布特征,结合土壤基本理化参数探讨喀斯特地区土壤中硫的生物地球化学循环的一般过程,得到如下认识:土壤中SO42-还原和有机硫矿化是同步进行的,而SO42-和有机硫的相互转化构成了土壤硫循环的主要内容。通过对比土壤各形态硫含量、SRB及各形态硫同位素组成的垂直分布特征,可以很好的阐释与土壤深度相关的硫循环过程,同时也可以很好的判别土壤内部的SO42-、有机硫和FeS2迁移过程。而影响各形态硫含量、SRB及硫氧化菌(SOB)在土壤中分布的因素不是单一的,与土壤类型、植被状况、土壤基本性质如有机碳、氮含量及pH值及土壤不同深度活性金属离子分布、厌氧状况等多因素的综合作用有关。
Other AbstractIn Southeast China, sulfur (S) cycling in soils under karstification and acidic precipitation is actually related to dissolution of carbonate rocks and evolution of soils quality. At present, studies concerning S biogeochemical cycling in soils of karst areas in China are uncommon. This work has taken limestone soils and yellow soils in typical karst areas as examples to study S occurrence and distribution, S isotopic composition and the distribution of key microorganisms involved in S cycle (i.e. sulfate-reducing bacteria, SRB) in soils on slopes of karst areas, and then combined with the basic physical and chemical parameters of the studied soils to discuss the general processes of microbial geochemical cycling of S in soils of karst areas. The main conclusions are as follows: Sulfate reduction and organic S mineralization occurred simultaneously in soils, and the mutual transformations between SO42- and organic S constituted the primary contents of S cycling. The vertical variations of S contents and δ34S ratios in different S forms and SRB can be good records for the processes of depth-dependant S cycling in soils, and easily discuss the migration of SO42-, organic S fractions and FeS2 in soils. However, the distributions of S contents in different forms, SRB and Sulfur-oxidizing bacteria (SOB) in soils are affected by many factors, such as soil types, vegetation status, soil basic properties(i.e. organic carbon and nitrogen contents and pH values) and active metal ions concentrations and anaerobic conditions in different soil depths, reflecting the multi-factor’s combined effects.
Document Type学位论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
张伟. 西南喀斯特坡地土壤硫的生物地球化学循环研究[D]. 地球化学研究所. 中国科学院地球化学研究所,2009.
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