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其他题名The Geochemical Behavior and Environmental Effect of Antibiotics in Municipal Sewage, Urban River and Aquaculture Area of Guiyang City, China
关键词抗生素 地球化学行为 城市污水 南明河 乌江渡水库 食品
摘要抗生素是广泛应用于人类和动物疾病治疗的药物,近年来在养殖业中抗生素更是常常作为动物催长剂。这些抗生素会通过人畜排泄物、药品的丢弃、污水排放、农业废物堆积等途径进入到环境中。环境中抗生素的残留会导致细菌耐药性的产生、微生态平衡的破坏,以及对生态环境和人类难以预知的影响。抗生素污染是近十年来才在国际上引起注意的新型环境问题,目前研究非常薄弱,要深入认识抗生素的环境影响特征就迫切需要对抗生素在环境中的迁移、归宿等地球化学行为进行针对性的研究。本文研究了贵阳城市污水、南明河及乌江渡水库中氯霉素(CAP)、土霉素(OTC)、四环素(TC)和金霉素(CTC)的环境地球化学特征,包括抗生素的分布、迁移特征及影响因素,并分析了贵阳市动物源性食品中抗生素的残留特征,探讨了环境因素对抗生素稳定性及吸附/解吸的影响,以期了解抗生素在环境中的降解、迁移等环境行为的特征,并据此评价抗生素的环境影响特点,为认识抗生素的污染特点、发展相应的控制、治理措施提供科学依据。主要内容包括: 1. 对环境样品中CAP和TCs的前处理过程和检测方法进行了优化。对水样的前处理采用固相萃取的方法,对土壤和沉积物的前处理采用EDTA-McIlvaine振荡萃取、SAX-HLB净化富集的方法;选择HPLC-UV作为分析的手段,对样品中的4种抗生素进行了检测,各化合物得到了很好的分离,该方法简便、快捷、重现性好。 2. 证实了抗生素在城市污水中的普遍存在。贵阳城市污水中以CAP的污染最为突出,其含量明显高于广州地区的城市污水;污水中四环素类药物(TCs)的含量和大多数欧美国家及地区城市污水中TCs的含量相当。这一结果证明,污水中抗生素的污染非常严重,对地表水环境形成严重的威胁。污水中抗生素的来源包括:人服用抗生素药物以及食用含有抗生素残留的食品之后的排泄物;食品中残留的抗生素随剩余食品的丢弃而进入污水。污水中抗生素的含量都具有明显的季节变化规律,冬春季含量明显高于夏秋季,我们认为这与各季节用水量和疾病特点有关。污水中抗生素的大量存在说明:1)抗生素存在滥用的现象,特别是CAP可能存在严重的违法使用,这一现象应当重视;2)污水中的抗生素会威胁水环境质量,应加强处理和控制技术。 3. 证明了城市河流受到多种来源的抗生素影响,其中城市污水是最重要的源,而且抗生素在河流中呈现一定的持久性。南明河上游河段中抗生素的来源包括郊区城镇污水、养鱼场、制药厂污水排放及地表垃圾。城市污水是抗生素的一大排放源,受其影响,排污口下游的河段受到的抗生素污染尤为严重,此外还有来自下游郊区城镇和农业污水的影响。对南明河中抗生素的来源及行为特点的剖析表明:1)抗生素在南明河的水和沉积物中具有不同的分布特征:河水中以CAP的污染最为严重,各水样中CAP的含量基本都高于TCs;而大部分沉积物中TCs的含量都高于CAP。CAP和TCs在水-沉积物之间的分布特征表明,它们在水环境中的地球化学行为明显受到吸附/解吸特点的影响,CAP的亲水性强,而TCs的亲粒性强。2)虽然在养殖业中已禁止使用CAP,但河水和污水中CAP的大量存在,这一结果揭露了CAP仍然存在大量违法使用的事实。3)河水中抗生素含量的季节差异明显,冬春季抗生素的含量高于夏秋季,其原因主要是夏秋季河水流量大,对河水中抗生素的稀释作用强。沉积物中抗生素的含量没有明显的季节变化规律,各季节抗生素的平均含量差异较小。4)受污水影响,各季节排污口下游的南明河水受到的抗生素污染尤为严重,污水口上下游之间的含量差异明显。沉积物在冬季受城市污水的影响大,在排污口下游的抗生素的含量明显高于上游,而春、夏、秋季受污水影响不明显。这可能是因为在春、夏和秋季其它污染源的影响较大,因此污水的影响强度减弱。夏季上游沉积物中CAP的含量甚至高于下游,原因一方面是因为夏季城市污水中抗生素含量低,对南明河的影响减小,另一方面可能因为夏季雨水多、水量大,将上游的地表垃圾以及积累在小河沟中的垃圾冲刷到南明河中,而这些工业及生活垃圾通常是抗生素的一大来源。 抗生素在河流中呈现了一定的持久性,在20 km的范围内水和沉积物显示了明显的污染水平,可能会对水生生态以及流域的环境造成一定的影响。此外,贵阳市南明河两岸的农田通常是用河水进行灌溉的,从而可能使抗生素的污染危及到食物链,对人体的健康有潜在的威胁。 4. 由于食品(如鱼肉、猪肉等)中残留的抗生素是污水中抗生素的重要来源,因此我们研究了养殖业(水产养殖区)中抗生素的环境行为特点,还研究了常见动物源性食品中抗生素的残留特点。对养鱼区的研究表明,养鱼饲料中含有大量的抗生素,是养鱼区水环境中抗生素的来源。由于饲料的颗粒大,且河水流速快,因此饲料中的抗生素不会对水体造成很大的影响,但是在网箱区的沉积物中形成了高含量的残留,除此以外,在乌江渡主航道的河心沉积物中抗生素的含量也相当可观。这说明该区水产养殖的抗生素主要影响沉积物,且相应的污染不是局部的,而会影响到整个养鱼区。从沉积物中抗生素平均含量的季节差异来看,各季TCs的用药量可能不同,秋季的用量可能最大,而其它季节用量相当;CAP在每个季节的用量可能相当。尽管分析的饲料中CAP的含量高于TCs,但在各季节乌江渡水库主航道沉积物中TCs的含量几乎都远高于CAP,这是由于TCs比CAP更易存在于沉积物中。乌江渡水库上下游主航道沉积物中抗生素的含量差异日益减小,说明了乌江渡水库的污染已日益严重。这些抗生素虽然暂时被固定在了沉积物中,活性相对较小,但是在外界条件的影响下,它们的吸附/解吸作用是可以改变的。因此,乌江渡沉积物中高含量的抗生素残留对水生生态环境具有潜在的威胁。 对贵阳市动物源性食品(鱼肉、猪肉和牛奶)中抗生素的残留特征的分析表明,这些食品中普遍残留有高含量的抗生素,被人食用后,其中的抗生素也会被人体摄入,一部分抗生素会随着人的排泄物而进入到污水中,并最终进入环境中;另一部分抗生素会积蓄在人体中,到一定浓度后就会对人体造成伤害。鲩鱼、鲫鱼、鲤鱼、鳙鱼和鲢鱼中CAP、OTC、TC和CTC的平均含量范围分别在57.1~365.5 µg/kg、37.0~60.7µg/kg、34.3~72.4 µg/kg和22.3~68.0 µg/kg之间。秋季的长吻鲍、团头鲂、鲈鱼、长江洄鱼、对虾、黄鳝、泥鳅和猪肉中CAP、OTC、TC和CTC的平均含量分别为88.1 µg/kg、76.8 µg/kg、343.7 µg/kg和34.2 µg/kg;牛奶中的含量分别为4.2 µg/L、1.6 µg/L和2.5 µg/L和22.0 µg/L。 5. 确定了抗生素的稳定性、吸附/解吸作用与各因素的关系,据此可以探讨环境中抗生素的行为特点及机理,并为环境中抗生素的污染防治提供依据。在短时的加热中,TCs发生了部分降解,而CAP却几乎没有发生分解,说明烹饪过程中的加热不能去除食品中的抗生素,这些抗生素则会进入到人体和污水中。当pH在2~8之间时,TCs的性质较稳定;CAP在pH=1~10的范围内性质都比较稳定。地表和地下水体的pH一般为7左右,说明了水环境中TCs受pH的影响小,而CAP几乎不受影响。在6个月的时间内,TCs在3种介质中都发生了不同程度的降解,但仍有大部分残留;CAP几乎没有发生明显的降解,这说明CAP和TCs的污染具有一定的持久性。TCs的吸附/解吸受颗粒物粒径的影响大,粒径越小,吸附越强;CAP不受影响。这证明了在环境中CAP更易以水溶态的形式存在,而TCs更易吸附在沉积物中。颗粒物中CaCO3含量越高,TC和CTC的吸附越强,证明CaCO3可以用来增强TC、CTC的吸附,这为环境中抗生素的治理提供了一条思路。
其他摘要Antibiotics are commonly used for diseases treatment of human and animals, and especially used as feed additives for animals in recent years. Antibiotics which could lead to bacteria resistance, disturbance of micro-ecology balance or even impact on the ecology and human unexpectedly, can enter the environment through many pathway, such as excrement used as fertilizer, medicine discarding, municipal sewage discharge and so on,. Antibiotic contamination is a new environment problem addressed recently all over the world, and a few researches are reported. To learn the characteristics of environment effect of antibiotics, it is necessary to make a special study in the transfer, fate and behavior of the medicine. In this article, geochemical behavior of chloramphenicol (CAP), oxytetracycline (OTC), teracycline (TC) and chorltetracycline (CTC) in municipal sewage, Nanming River and Wujiangdu reservoir are studied, including the distribution, fate and influence factor of the analytes in environment. Antibiotics in animal food are also determined. Under test conditions in aquatic systems, stability and sorption of the target compounds are studied to learn the degradation and fate of the medicine in environment. Based on these studies, the impact of the antibiotics on environment can be evaluated and scientific basis for the control and treatment of the antibiotic contamination is provided. The content of this research describes as follow. 1. A rapid and effective method for determination of CAP, OTC, TC and CTC in river water, soil and sediment using solid-phase extraction with high-performance liquid chromatography-UV detection is described. The four antibiotics in water, soil and sediment were extracted using EDTA and McIlvaine buffer (citric acid and sodium orthophosphate). Strong anion exchanger (SAX) cartridge was used to remove natural organic matter, and hydrophilic-liphophilic balance (HLB) cartridge was used to retain and pre-concentrate the antibiotics. The separation and determination of four target compounds is carried out by HPLC-UV. 2. It is proved that antibiotics exist widely in the municipal sewage. Of the four analytes in the sewage of Guiyang city, the contamination of CAP is the most predominant. The concentration of CAP in sewage of Guiyang city is higher than that in Gangzhou city, and the concentration of tetracyclines (TCs) is familiar to that in America and western countries. This result shows that antibiotic pollution is severe and could have a serious impact on the environment of surface water. The sources of antibiotics in municipal sewage include human medicine and animal food with antibiotics residue which is eaten or discarded by people. The concentration of antibiotics in sewage shows a seasonal variety. The contamination of antibiotics in municipal sewage reveals the misuse of antibiotics especially illegal use of CAP, and more attention must be paid to the menace of antibiotics to the environment. 3. It is confirmed that Nanming River is influenced by many antibiotic sources, of which the municipal sewage is the most important one, and the antibiotics is persistent in the river to some extent. The antibiotics sources upstream include suburban town sewage, aquaculture, medical factory and earth waste. The antibiotic sources downstream include municipal sewage, suburban town sewage and agriculture, of which the municipal sewage is the most important source. The sewage makes the antibiotics pollution downstream more severe than upstream. The four analytes shows different distribution in river water and sediment: CAP contamination is predominant in river water and TCs are predominant in river sediment. It is indicated that sorption/desorption is a significant factor that influences the partitioning of antibiotics between water and sediment. The occurrence of antibiotics implies an affinity of CAP to aqueous phase, and an affinity of TCs to sediment. Although been prohibited using in animal feed, CAP largely exists in river and sewage, which implies the illegal using of CAP. The concentration of antibiotics in river water shows evidently seasonal change: the concentration in winter and spring is higher than that in summer and autumn, because of the dilution of the high flow in summer and winter. However, the seasonal change of antibiotics concentration in sediment is not distinct. The concentration of the compounds in water is obviously different between upstream and downstream of the sewage outlet, because of the influence of the municipal sewage. Whereas, except obviously influenced by sewage in winter, sediment is not evidently influenced by sewage, causing by the great impact of other sources of antibiotics in spring, summer and autumn. Especially in summer, the content of CAP in most sediment upstream is higher than downstream, because the impact of the sewage with lowest antibiotics content is weak and the earth waste upstream which is usually a source of antibiotics rushes into the river upstream by the downfall in summer. Antibiotics contamination in Nanming River is persistent in 20 km and may have a great impact on the water ecosystem. Moreover, the Nanming river water is always used for irrigating in agriculture along the river, and it would threaten the food chain and would potentially endanger the health of human. 4. Environment behavior of antibiotics is studied, and residue characteristic of antibiotics in food (such as fish and pork) is also researched, as food is always an antibiotics source of municipal sewage. The study in aquaculture farm shows that the fish feed contains high concentration of antibiotics and leads to the antibiotics contamination to the water environment of the farm. The antibiotics in fish feed do not cause serious impact on water, but it cause serious residue in sediment under the fish cabin and also in the river-route. Considering the seasonal change of the compounds concentration in sediment, the dosage of TCs used in autumn is more than other seasons, and the dosage of CAP is equivalent in each season. Despite of high content of CAP in feed, the content of TCs in sediment is higher than CAP, because of the affinity of TCs to sediment and CAP to water. The antibiotics pollution in Wujiangdu reservoir is getting worse, the antibiotics in sediment have a potential menace to the ecosystem because the antibiotics would be released under some condition. Animal foods (fish, pork and milk) which have been analyzed have high concentrations of antibiotics residues. One part of the compounds will enter the municipal sewage with excrement, and the other part will accumulate in human body which may hurt the human health. The contents of CAP, OTC, TC, CTC in the five familiar kind of fish range from 57.1~365.5 µg/kg, 37.0~60.7µg/kg, 34.3~72.4 µg/kg and 22.3~68.0 µg/kg respectively. The average content of CAP, OTC, TC and CTC in other animal flesh is 88.1 µg/kg, 76.8 µg/kg, 343.7 µg/kg and 34.2 µg/kg. The concentration of CAP, OTC, TC and CTC in milk is 4.2 µg/L, 1.6 µg/L, 2.5 µg/L and 22.0 µg/L. 5. Experiments are carried out to learn the impact of environment factors on stability and sorption/desorption of the analytes. Accordingly, scientific basis for analyzing the behavior characteristics and controlling contamination of antibiotics in environment could be provided. In short time heating, TCs degrade partially and CAP does not decompose at all. It is showed that the cooking process can not remove the antibiotics in food which will enter into the human body and sewage. TCs are stable as the pH ranges from 2 to 8, and CAP is stable as the pH ranges from 1 to 10. It is indicated that TCs may be influenced by pH only a little and CAP may not be influenced by pH in aquatic environment, since the pH of surface water and groundwater is usually around 7. TCs in all three liquid medium degraded partially in six month and CAP nearly did not reduce at all. The result shows that TCs and CAP contamination may be persistent in environment to some extent. The sorption/desorption of TCs is greatly influenced by the particle diameter and CAP is not influence at all. It is proved that CAP tends to exist in water and TCs tends to exist in sediment. The sorption of TC and CTC gets stronger with the increasing concentration of CaCO3 in particle. It is proved that CaCO3 can increase the adsorbing of TC and CTC, which may provide a way to treat the antibiotic pollution in environment.
GB/T 7714
刘虹. 贵阳城市污水、河流及养鱼水域抗生素的地球化学行为[D]. 地球化学研究所. 中国科学院地球化学研究所,2008.
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