| 辣椒氟平均含量及其影响因素研究 |
其他题名 | Study on the fluorine contents in chili and its influencing factors
| 李波
| 2007-05-31
学位授予单位 | 中国科学院地球化学研究所
学位授予地点 | 地球化学研究所
学位名称 | 博士
关键词 | 辣椒
摘要 | 西南地区是我国燃煤污染型氟中毒流行最为严重的地区,同时也是我国主要辣椒优异种质资源的分布地之一。大量的研究已经证明,辣椒和玉米等食物在用煤火烘干过程中可以吸收富集燃煤过程释放到大气中的氟,因此由燃煤型氟污染引起的食物型氟中毒也不断受到关注。
目的:调查我国西南部分地区新鲜辣椒及干辣椒的氟含量水平,了解辣椒中氟的分布规律,进而确定新鲜辣椒中氟的污染判别值并探讨辣椒氟污染的防治措施。方法:按照《食品中氟的测定》(GB/T 5009.18-2003)方法对采自西南77个县市的新鲜辣椒(176个)及干辣椒(296个)进行氟的含量测定,根据地区、辣椒品种、干燥方式、储存时间及赋存状态,对辣椒中氟的含量进行统计分析。结果:采自农田的新鲜辣椒氟的几何平均含量为8.9mg•kg-1(干重,176个样,置信度95%),干辣椒样品氟的几何平均含量为19.6mg•kg-1(干重,296个样,置信度95%)。结论:研究证实辣椒的干燥与储存方式不当是导致辣椒氟污染的主要原因;通过对新鲜辣椒中氟含量的研究,证实我国现行的食品中氟限量标准(GB2762-2005)并不适用于辣椒,建议以24.7mg•kg-1 (干重)、5.2mg•kg-1 (鲜重)为新鲜辣椒氟污染判别值。 |
其他摘要 | The Southwest China is the most serious epidemic area of coal-burned-pollution endemic fluorosis, and is also one of the main elite germplasms resources of chili in China. Many researches have proved that chili, corn and other plants can absorb and concentrate the fluorine in the atmosphere released by coal burning during the dewatering process. Therefore, food-pollution endemic fluorosis caused by coal-burned-pollution have been received more attention from the researchers.
Up to now there is little data of chili systematic research on the fluorine background content, average content and the influence factors for chili. Only a few researchers did some researches on chili in some coal-burned-pollution endemic fluorosis areas. And the samples had a great limitation: they cannot represent the fluorine content level of holistic chilies by far; till now there is still no limited hygienic standard of fluorine contents for chili in international. The fluorine enable standard (GB4809-84) issued by China is inappropriate for chili. This study was conducted in order to find out the background content, the pollutant pathway and the precautionary measure of fluorine in chili and then to propose a fluorine professional standard and national standard for chili. The objectives, methods, results and conclusions of this research are as follows.
Objective:To investigate the fluorine content of fresh chili and dried chili in Southwest China, find out the distribution of fluorine in chili, then calculate a fluorine contaminated discrimination value for fresh chili and probe into the prevention from fluorine contamination for chili. Methods:In the research, the determination of fluorine in food (GB/T 5009.18-2003) is adopted to determinate the fluorine content in chili. The average fluorine contents of chili are estimated on fluorine analyses of about 176 fresh samples and 296 dried samples collected from 77 counties in Southwest China. Based on the differences of chili producing areas, chili variety, dewatering method, storage time and fluorine forms, the author did a systemic statistics of the fluorine contents in chili. Results:The geometric mean of fluorine content in the fresh is up to 8.9mg•kg-1 (dry weight, 176 samples, confidence level: 95%). And the geometric mean of fluorine content in the dried is 19.6mg•kg-1 (dry weight, 296 samples, confidence level: 95%). Conclusions:The results show that inappropriate dewatering method and storage time are the two main reasons leading to fluorine contamination in chili. Through the study on the contents of fluorine in fresh chili, it seems that the fluorine content standard of vegetables in GB2762-2005 is inappropriate for chili and the author recommends 24.7mg•kg-1(dry weight) and 5.2mg•kg-1 (fresh weight) as the fluorine contaminated discrimination values for fresh chili. |
页数 | 61
语种 | 中文
文献类型 | 学位论文
条目标识符 | http://ir.gyig.ac.cn/handle/352002/3336
专题 | 研究生_研究生_学位论文
推荐引用方式 GB/T 7714 |
李波. 辣椒氟平均含量及其影响因素研究[D]. 地球化学研究所. 中国科学院地球化学研究所,2007.