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The giant South China Mesozoic low-temperature metallogenic domain: Reviews and a new geodynamic model 期刊论文
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2017, 卷号: 137, 页码: 9-34
作者:  Ruizhong Hu;  Shanling Fu;  Yong Huang;  Mei-Fu Zhou;  Shaohong Fu;  Chenghai Zhao;  Yuejun Wang;  Xianwu Bi;  Jiafei Xiao
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South China  Low-temperature Mineralization  Indosinian Orogeny  Yanshanian Orogeny  Polymetallic Mineral Deposits  
Cadmium isotope fractionation in the Fule Mississippi Valley-type deposit, Southwest China 期刊论文
Mineralium Deposita, 2017, 卷号: 52, 期号: 5, 页码: 675–686
作者:  Chuanwei Zhu;  Hanjie Wen;  Yuxu Zhang;  Shaohong Fu;  Haifeng Fan;  Christophe Cloquet
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Cadmium And Sulfur Isotopes  Cd-bearing Minerals  Zn–pb–cd Deposits  Stable Isotope Fractionation  
Characteristics of Cd isotopic compositions and their genetic significance in the lead-zinc deposits of SW China 期刊论文
Science China Earth Sciences, 2013, 卷号: 56, 期号: 12, 页码: 2056-2065
作者:  Zhu ChuanWei;  Wen HanJie;  Zhang YuXu;  Fan HaiFeng;  Fu ShaoHong;  Xu Juan;  Qin TingRong
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Dispersed Elements  Cd Isotopes  Isotope Fractionation  Lead-zinc Deposits  Isotopic Tracer  
贵州水银洞超大卡林型金矿成矿机制研究及成矿预测 成果
主要完成人:  夏勇;  苏文超;  刘建中;  邓一明;  陶琰;  张兴春;  刘川勤;  付绍洪
Microsoft Word(293Kb)  |  收藏  |  浏览/下载:2946/158  |  提交时间:2011/04/12
Organic ore-forming fluids in the Youjiang basin, South China and their linkage to the hydrocarbon accumulation and gold mineralization 会议论文
WATER-ROCK INTERACTION, VOLS 1 AND 2, PROCEEDINGS, 8th Annual V M Goldschmidt Conference, Vancouver, CANADA, 2008
作者:  Gu, XX;  Li, BH;  Xu, SH;  Fu, SH;  Dong, SY
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Ore deposit geochemistry of the fule dispersed element-polymetallic deposit, Yunnan province 会议论文
JOURNAL OF GEOCHEMICAL EXPLORATION, 6th Annual Meeting of the International-Professionals-for-the-Advancement-of-Chinese-Earth-Sciences, Wuhan, PEOPLES R CHINA, 2007
作者:  Si, RJ;  Gu, XX;  Fu, SH;  Shuang, Y
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黔西滇东铅锌矿床中分散元素镉镓铊富集规律研究 会议论文
, 中国北京, 2007-04
作者:  付绍洪;  顾雪祥;  王乾;  李发源;  章明
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黔桂地区流体与油气成藏演化研究 会议论文
, 中国广东广州, 2007-11
作者:  付绍洪;  顾雪祥;  李葆华;  肖加飞
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Lead isotopic geochemistry and its bearing on genesis of the Huize Pb-Zn deposit, Yunnan, South China 会议论文
GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, 13th Annual VM Goldschmidt Conference, KURASHIKI, JAPAN, 2003
作者:  Fu, SH;  Gu, XX;  Wang, Q;  Liu, XM
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