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Mercury concentration and speciation in mine wastes in Tongren mercury mining area, southwest China and environmental effects 期刊论文
Applied Geochemistry, 2019, 卷号: 106, 页码: 112–119
作者:  Junyao Yan;  Chuan Wang;  Zhiheng Wang;  Shaochen Yang;  Ping Li
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Mercury Mine  mine Waste calcines  Mercury Speciation  leaching Water  total Gaseous Mercury  
Mercury speciation and mobility in mine wastes from mercury mines in China 期刊论文
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2013, 卷号: 20, 期号: 12, 页码: 8374-8381
作者:  Ping Li;  Xinbin Feng;  Guangle Qiu;  Junfang Zhang;  Bo Meng;  Jianxu Wang
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Mercury  speciation  mobility  mine Waste  calcines  waste Rocks