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Cd2+ adsorption performance of tunnel-structured manganese oxides driven by electrochemically controlled redox 期刊论文
Environmental Pollution, 2019, 卷号: 244, 页码: 783-791
Authors:  Lihu Liu;  Qichuan Peng;  Guohong Qiu;  Jun Zhu;  Wenfeng Tan;  Chengshuai Liu;  Lirong Zheng;  Zhi Dang
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Heavy Metal Ions  Electrochemical Adsorption  Cryptomelanetodorokite  Pyrolusite  
Cd2+ adsorption performance of tunnel-structured manganese oxides driven by electrochemically controlled redox 期刊论文
Environmental Pollution, 2019, 卷号: 244, 页码: 783-791
Authors:  Lihu Liu;  Qichuan Peng;  Guohong Qiu;  Jun Zhu;  Wenfeng Tan;  Chengshuai Liu;  Lirong Zheng;  Zhi Dang
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Heavy Metal Ions  electrochemical Adsorption  cryptomelane  todorokite  pyrolusite  
Effective Zinc Adsorption Driven by Electrochemical Redox Reactions of Birnessite Nanosheets Generated by Solar Photochemistry 期刊论文
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2018, 卷号: 6, 期号: 11, 页码: 13907-13914
Authors:  Lihu Liu;  Wenfeng Tan;  Steven L. Sui;  Guohong Qiu;  Lirong Zheng;  Qiaoyun Huang;  Chengshuai Liu
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Nitrate Photolysis  Solar Energy  Birnessite Nanosheets  Electrochemical Adsorption  Heavy Metal Ions  Zn2++