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Global airborne bacterial community-interactions with Earth's microbiomes and anthropogenic activities 期刊论文
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2022, 卷号: 119, 期号: 42
作者:  Jue Zhao;  Ling Jin;  Dong Wu;  Jia-wen Xie;  Jun Li;  Xue-wu Fu;  Zhi-yuan Cong;  Ping-qing Fu;  Yang Zhang;  Xiao-san Luo;  Xin-bin Feng;  Gan Zhang;  James M. Tiedje;  Xiang-dong Li
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Airborne Bacteriaj  earth Microbiomej  bioaerosolsj  anthropogenic Impactsj  biogeograph