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Temporal and spatial distributions of total gaseous mercury concentrations in ambient air in a mountainous area in southwestern China: implications for industrial and domestic mercury emissions in remote areas in China 期刊论文
SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 2009, 期号: 407, 页码: 2306-2314
作者:  Fu, XW;  Feng, XB;  Wang, SF;  Rothenberg, S;  Shang, LH;  Li, ZG;  Qiu, GL
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Total Gaseous Mercury (Tgm)  
Total gaseous mercury concentrations in ambient air in the eastern slope of Mt. Gongga, South-Eastern fringe of the Tibetan plateau, China 期刊论文
ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 2008, 期号: 42, 页码: 970-979
作者:  Fu, XW;  Feng, XB;  Zhu, WZ;  Wang, SF;  Lu, JL
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Total Gaseous Mercury (Tgm)