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Thermal degradation of organic matter in the interlayer clay–organic complex: A TG-FTIR study on a montmorillonite/12-aminolauric acid system 期刊论文
Applied Clay Science, 2013, 卷号: 80–81, 页码: 398-406
作者:  Hongmei Liu;  Peng Yuan;  Zonghua Qin;  Dong Liu;  Daoyong Tan;  Jianxi Zhu;  Hongping He
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Interlayer Clay–organic Complex  thermal Degradation  tg-ftir  solid Acidity  
Thermal degradation of organic matter in the interlayer clay-organic complex: A TG-FTIR study on a montmorillonite/12-aminolauric acid system 期刊论文
Applied Clay Science, 2013, 卷号: 80-81, 页码: 398-406
作者:  Hongmei Liu;  Peng Yuan;  Zonghua Qin;  Dong Liu;  Daoyong Tan;  Jianxi Zhu;  Hongping He
Adobe PDF(1446Kb)  |  收藏  |  浏览/下载:240/8  |  提交时间:2020/12/21
Interlayer Clay–organic Complex  Thermal Degradation  Tg-ftir  Solid Acidity