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Mantle-derived gaseous components in ore-forming fluids of the Xiangshan uranium deposit, Jiangxi province, China: Evidence from He, Ar and C isotopes 期刊论文
Chemical Geology, 2009, 卷号: 266, 期号: 1–2, 页码: 86-95
作者:  Rui-Zhong Hu;  P.G. Burnard;  Xian-Wu Bi;  Mei-Fu Zhou;  Jian-Tang Peng;  Wen-Chao Su;  Jun-Hong Zhao
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The Xiangshan u Deposit  china  he, Ar And c Isotopes  mantle-derived Volatiles  
Mantle-derived gaseous components in ore-forming fluids of the Xiangshan uranium 期刊论文
Chemical Geology, 2009, 期号: 266, 页码: 86-95
作者:  Rui-Zhong Hu;  P.G. Burnard;  Xian-Wu Bi;  Mei-Fu Zhou;  Jian-Tang Peng;  Wen-Chao Su;  Jun-Hong Zhao
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The Xiangshan u Deposit