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Mineralogical evolution of the paleogene formations in the kyzyltokoy basin, kyrgyzstan: implications for the formation of glauconite 期刊论文
Clays and Clay Minerals, 2018, 卷号: 66, 期号: 1, 页码: 43-60
作者:  Bektemirova, Tursunai;  Bakirov, Apas;  Hu, Ruizhong;  He, Hongping;  Cai, Yuanfeng;  tan, Wei;  Chen, Aiqing
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Crystallo-chemical Formula  Glauconite  Maturity  Mineralogy  Paleogene Formations  Sedimentary Environment  
Geochemical constraints on the origin and environment of Lower Cambrian, selenium-rich siliceous sedimentary rocks in the Ziyang area, Daba region, central China 期刊论文
International Geology Review, 2012, 卷号: 54, 期号: 7, 页码: 765-778
作者:  Caixia Feng;  Guoxiang Chi;  Jiajun Liu;  Ruizhong Hu;  Shen Liu;  Ian M. Coulson
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Siliceous Rocks  Selenium Content  Sedimentary Environment  Shaanxi Province  China