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Geochemistry of the dissolved loads of the Liao River basin in northeast China under anthropogenic pressure: Chemical weathering and controlling factors 期刊论文
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2017, 卷号: 138, 页码: 657-671
Authors:  Hu Ding;  Cong-Qiang Liu;  Zhi-Qi Zhao;  Si-Liang Li;  Yun-Chao Lang;  Xiao-Dong Li;  Jian Hu;  Bao-Jian Liu
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River Water Chemistry  Chemical Weathering  Co2 Consumption  Liao River  
Damming effects on dissolved inorganic carbon in different kinds of reservoirs in Jialing River, Southwest China 期刊论文
Acta Geochimica, 2017, 卷号: 36, 期号: 4, 页码: 581-597
Authors:  Gaoyang Cui;  Xiaodong Li;  Qinkai Li;  Jun Huang;  Yuele Tao;  Siqi Li;  Jun Zhang
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River Damming  Water Chemistry  Reservoir Types  Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Isotope Composition  Dic Concentration  
Effects of land use on water chemistry in a river draining karst terrain, southwest China 期刊论文
Hydrological Sciences Journal5, 2014, 卷号: 59, 期号: 5, 页码: 1063-1073
Authors:  Guilin Han;  Fushan Lib;  Qiu Tan
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Land Use  River Water  Water Chemistry  Wujiang River Basin, China  China