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| Partial dehydration of brucite and its implications for water distribution in the subducting oceanic slab 期刊论文 Geoscience Frontiers, 2022, 卷号: 13, 期号: 2 作者: Xinzhuan Guo ; Takashi Yoshino; Sibo Chen; Xiang Wu; Junfeng Zhang
Adobe PDF(1943Kb)  |   收藏  |  浏览/下载:353/5  |  提交时间:2023/03/31 Partial Dehydration Electrical Conductivity Brucite Oceanic Slab Water Distribution Hydrous Minerals |
| Mantle plume-subducted oceanic slab interaction contributes to geochemical heterogeneity of the Emeishan large igneous province 期刊论文 Chemical Geology, 2022, 卷号: 611, 页码: 121117 作者: Zhong-Jie Bai ; Hong Zhong ; Wei-Guang Zhu ; Wen-Jun Hu
Adobe PDF(3699Kb)  |   收藏  |  浏览/下载:335/13  |  提交时间:2023/03/29 Emeishan Large Igneous Province Hongge Mafic–ultramafic Intrusion Mantle Source Mantle Plume–subducted Slab Interaction Paleo-tethyan Oceanic Crust |
| Terrestrial sources as the primary delivery mechanism of mercury to the oceans across the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (Early Jurassic) 期刊论文 Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2019, 卷号: 507, 页码: 62-72 作者: T.R. Them II; C.H. Jagoe; A.H. Caruthers; B.C. Gill; S.E. Grasby; D.R. Gröcke; R. Yin; J.D. Owens
Adobe PDF(1820Kb)  |   收藏  |  浏览/下载:246/6  |  提交时间:2020/12/07 Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event Carbon Isotope Excursion Hg Anomalies Hg Isotopes Large Igneous Provinces Mass Extinction |
| 动力学模型:橄榄石中高Sr熔体包裹体的成因 期刊论文 矿物学报, 2015, 期号: S1 作者: 许英奎; 朱丹; 鲍惠铭; 刘耘; 刘建忠; 李雄耀; 王世杰
Adobe PDF(902Kb)  |   收藏  |  浏览/下载:320/22  |  提交时间:2016/05/18 Primitive 包裹体 Lunar Sr Tectonic 动力学模型 Magma Oceanic Inclusion Crust |
| Pb–Sr–Nd isotope constraints on the fluid source of the Dahu Au–Mo deposit in Qinling Orogen, central China, and implication for Triassic tectonic setting 期刊论文 Ore Geology Reviews, 2012, 卷号: 46, 页码: 60-67 作者: Zhi-Yong Ni; Yan-Jing Chen; Nuo Li; Hui Zhang
浏览  |   Adobe PDF(1292Kb)  |   收藏  |  浏览/下载:218/7  |  提交时间:2019/08/23 Sr–nd–pb Isotope Systematics ore-forming Fluid the Dahu Au–mo Deposit qinling Orogen oceanic Plate Subduction |
| Remnants of oceanic lower crust in the subcontinental lithospheric mantle: Trace element and Sr-Nd-O isotope evidence from aluminous garnet pyroxenite xenoliths from Jiaohe, Northeast China 期刊论文 Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2010, 卷号: 297, 期号: 3-4, 页码: 413-422 作者: Song-Yue Yu; Yi-Gang Xu; Jin-Long Ma; Yong-Fei Zheng; Yong-Sheng Kuang; Lu-Bing Hong; Wen-Chun Ge; Lai-Xi Tong
Adobe PDF(835Kb)  |   收藏  |  浏览/下载:280/30  |  提交时间:2013/09/06 Pyroxenite Xenoliths Eu Anomaly o Isotope Inheritance Mineralogical Transformation Subducted Gabbroic Oceanic Crust Subcontinental Lithospheric Mantle Northeast China |