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Concentrations and nitrogen isotope compositions of free amino acids in Pinus massoniana (Lamb.) needles of different ages as indicators of atmospheric nitrogen pollution 期刊论文
Atmospheric Environment, 2017, 卷号: 164, 页码: 348-359
作者:  Yu Xu;Huayun Xiao
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Pinus Massoniana Lamb  Needles  Age  Free Amino Acid Δ15  Natmospheric n Sources  
Free amino acid concentrations and nitrogen isotope signatures in Pinus massoniana (Lamb.) needles of different ages for indicating atmospheric 期刊论文
Environmental Pollution, 2017, 卷号: 221, 页码: 180-190
作者:  Yu Xu;Huayun Xiao
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Free Amino Acids  d15n  atmospheric n Deposition  masson Pine  needles  age  
Free amino acid concentrations and nitrogen isotope signatures in Pinus massoniana (Lamb.) needles of different ages for indicating atmospheric nitrogen deposition 期刊论文
Environmental Pollution, 2017, 卷号: 221, 页码: 180-190
作者:  Yu Xu;Huayun Xiao
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Free Amino Acids  Delta N-15  Atmospheric n Deposition  Masson Pine  Needles  Age  
Sulfur isotopic signatures of water-soluble sulfate in needles of Pinus Massoniana Lamb in two Chinese areas 期刊论文
Environmental Earth Sciences, 2015, 卷号: 73, 期号: 4, 页码: 1805-1811
作者:  Hui Guan, Hua-yun Xiao;  Cong-qiang Liu
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Pinus Massoniana Lamb  Needles  Water-soluble Sulfate  Total Sulfur  Δ34s Source Discrimination