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Review of the stable isotope geochemistry of Mesozoic igneous rocks and Cu-Au deposits along the middle-lower Yangtze Metallogenic Belt, China 期刊论文
International Geology Review, 2011, 卷号: 53, 期号: 5-6, 页码: 741-757
作者:  Xiao-Yong Yang;  Insung Lee
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Porphyry Cu-au Deposits  Stable Isotope Geochemistry  Sulphur  Hydrogen  Oxygen Isotopes  Middle-lower Yangtze Metallogenic Province  
Review of the stable isotope geochemistry of Mesozoic igneous rocks and Cu–Au deposits along the middle–lower Yangtze Metallogenic Belt, China 期刊论文
International Geology Review, 2011, 卷号: 53, 期号: 5–6, 页码: 741–757
作者:  Xiao-Yong Yang;Insung Lee
浏览  |  Adobe PDF(1982Kb)  |  收藏  |  浏览/下载:182/6  |  提交时间:2018/09/29
Porphyry Cu–au Deposits  Stable Isotope Geochemistry  Sulphur  Hydrogen  Oxygen Isotopes  Middle–lower Yangtze Metallogenic Province