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Lithologic controls on the mobility of Cd in mining-impacted watersheds revealed by stable Cd isotopes 期刊论文
Water Research, 2022, 卷号: 220, 页码: 118619
作者:  Yuhui Liu;  Yafei Xia;  Zhengrong Wang;  Ting Gao;  Jian-Ming Zhu;  Meng Qi;  Jing Sun;  Chengshuai Liu
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Cd Isotopes  Source Tracing  Migration Processes  Mining-affected Watersheds  Lithology  
GEMAS: Spatial analysis of the Ni distribution on a continental-scale using digital image processing techniques on European agricultural soil data 期刊论文
Jorunal of Geochemical Exploration, 2018, 卷号: 186, 页码: 143-157
作者:  Gyozo Jordan;  Attila Petrik;  BenedettoDe Vivo;  Stefano Albanese;  Alecos Demetriades;  Martiya Sadeghi;  The GEMAS Project Team
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Univariate Statistics  numerical Differential Calculation  spatial Pattern  lineament Analysis  lithology Soil Parent Material