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Genetic model for early Cambrian reef limestone-hosted Pb-Zn deposits in the world-class Huayuan orefield, South China: New insights from mineralogy, fluorite geochemistry and sulfides in situ S-Pb is 期刊论文
Ore Geology Reviews, 2022, 卷号: 141, 页码: 104682
Authors:  Yusi Hu;  Lin Ye;  Zhilong Huang;  Chen Wei;  Tao Wu;  Zhenzhong Xiang;  Shiyu Liu;  Zhenli Li
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La-(Mc)-icpms  Sources Of Sulfur And Metals  Sulfide Depositional Mechanism  Ore Genesis  Genetic Model  
A porphyritic copper (gold) ore-forming model for the Shaxi-Changpushan district, Lower Yangtze metallogenic belt, China: geological and geochemical constraints 期刊论文
International Geology Review, 2011, 卷号: 53, 期号: 5-6, 页码: 580–611
Authors:  Xiaoyong Yang;  Xueming Yang;  Zhengwei Zhang;  Yueyu Chi;  Liangfan Yu;  Qianming Zhang
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Porphyry Copper (Gold) Deposit  Geochemical Survey  Cu-au Genetic Model  Adakite  Shaxi-changpushan Porphyry Cu-au Mineralization Distric