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Pretreatment method for the analysis of phosphate oxygen isotope (δ18OP) of different phosphorus fractions in freshwater sediments 期刊论文
Science of The Total Environment, 2019, 卷号: 685, 页码: 229-238
作者:  Yong Liu;  Jingfu Wang;   Jingan Chen;  Runyu Zhang;  Yongxue Ji;  Zuxue Jin
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Pretreatment Method  oxygen Isotopic In Phosphate  different Phosphorus Fractions  freshwater Sediments  eutrophication  
Pretreatment method for the analysis of phosphate oxygen isotope (delta O-18(p)) of different phosphorus fractions in freshwater sediments 期刊论文
Science of The Total Environment, 2019, 卷号: 685, 页码: 229-238
作者:  Yong Liu;  Jingfu Wang;  Jingan Chen;  Runyu Zhang;  Yongxue Ji;  Zuxue Jin
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Pretreatment Method  oxygen Isotopic In Phosphate  different Phosphorus Fractions  freshwater Sediments  eutrophication  
Speciation and Transformation of Sulfur in Freshwater Sediments: a Case Study in Southwest China 期刊论文
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 2017, 卷号: 228, 期号: 10
作者:  Jingfu Wang;  Jingan Chen;  Jianyang Guo;  Zhihui Dai;  Haiquan Yang;  Yilong Song
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Sulfur  Iron  K-edge Xanes  Dgt  Freshwater Sediments