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Mercury transformation processes in nature: Critical knowledge gaps and perspectives for moving forward 期刊论文
Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2022, 卷号: 119, 页码: 152-165
作者:  Zhiyuan Gao;  Wang Zheng;  Yanbin Li;  Yurong Liu;  Mengjie Wu;  Shouying Li;  Ping Li;  Guangliang Liu;  Xuewu Fu;  Shuxiao Wang;  Feiyue Wang;  Yong Cai;  Xinbin Feng;  Baohua Gu;  Huan Zhong;  Yongguang Yin
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Mercury  oxidation  reduction  methylation  demethylation  isotope Fractionation  
Impacts of Mercury Exposure Levels and Sources on the Demethylation of Methylmercury Through Human Gut Microbiota 期刊论文
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2022, 卷号: 109, 页码: 534–541
作者:  Xian-Feng Yang;  Shao-Chen Yang;  Fu-Li Wen;  Lin Feng;  Bo Meng;  Hai-Yan Hu;  Bao-Lin Wang;  Jun Li;  Alexandre J. Poulain;  Ping Li
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Methylmercury  Demethylation  Gut Microbiota  Exposure Level  Exposure Source