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Optical access to multi-anvil apparatus with ultrasonic method under high-pressure environment 期刊论文
Review of Scientific Instruments, 2019, 卷号: 90, 期号: 11, 页码: 114502-8
作者:  Qizhe Tang;   Yonggang Liu;  Wei Song;  Xiang Chen;  Hongsen Xie
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Neutron Powder Diffraction  Hydrostatic-pressure  Elastic-constants  Velocity  Temperatures  Calibration  Moissanite  Waves  Line  Cell  
Triple Oxygen Isotopes: Fundamental Relationships and Applications 期刊论文
Annual Review of Earth & Planetary Sciences, 2016, 卷号: 44, 期号: 1, 页码: 463-492
作者:  Huiming Bao;  Xiaobin Cao;  Justin A. Hayles
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Oxygen-17  Laboratory Calibration  Air Oxygen  Seawater  Silicates  Nonequilibrium  
Dependence of R fluorescence lines of rubies on Cr3+ concentration at various temperatures, with implications for pressure calibrations in experimental apparatus 期刊论文
American Mineralogists, 2015, 卷号: 100, 页码: 1554–1561
作者:  Rong Gao;   Heping Li;   Jingtai Zhao
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r Fluorescence Lines  pressure Calibration  temperature Correction  Ruby  cr2o3 Content  
Pressure measurement using the R fluorescence peaks and 417 cm−1 Raman peak of an anvil in a sapphire-anvil cell 期刊论文
High Pressure Research, 2012, 卷号: 32, 期号: 2, 页码: 176-185
作者:  Rong Gao;Heping Li
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Sapphire Anvil  Pressure Calibration  Sapphire-anvil Cell