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Mineralogy and Geochemistry Characteristics and Genetic Implications for Stratabound Carlin-Type Gold Deposits in Southwest Guizhou, China 期刊论文
Journal of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, 2017, 卷号: 17, 期号: 9, 页码: 6307-6317
Authors:  Li, Xiaoxia;  Zhu, Xiaoqing;  Gu, Yuantao;  Ling, Kunyue;  Sheng, Xiangyuan;  He, Li
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Arsenian Pyrite  Carlin-type Gold Deposit  Invisible Gold  Nano-au  Ore-forming Materials  Stratabound  
Mineralogy and geochemistry of gold-bearing arsenian pyrite from the Shuiyindong Carlin-type gold deposit,Guizhou, China: implications for gold depositional processes 期刊论文
Mineralium Deposita, 2012, 卷号: 47, 期号: 6, 页码: 653-662
Authors:  Wenchao Su;  Hongtao Zhang;  Ruizhong Hu;  Xi Ge;  Bin Xia;  Yanyan Chen;  Chen Zhu
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Gold  Arsenian Pyrite  Carlin-type  Shuiyindong  Guizhou  China