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Traffic-related dustfall and NOx, but not NH3, seriously affect nitrogen isotopic compositions in soil and plant tissues near the roadside 期刊论文
Environmental Pollution, 2019, 卷号: 249, 页码: 655-665
作者:  Yu Xu;  Huayun Xiao;  Daishe Wu
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Vehicle Emissions  plants  soils  δ15n  isotope Mixing Model  
The δ15N values of epilithic mosses indicating the changes of nitrogen sources in Guiyang (SW China) from 2006 to 2016–2017 期刊论文
Science of The Total Environment, 2019, 卷号: 696, 页码: 1-9
作者:  Jingjing Zhao;  Zhongyi Zhang;  Guangxu Zhu;  Nengjian Zheng;  Hongwei Xiao;  Jing Tian;  Yunhong Zhou;  Hui Guan;  Huayun Xiao
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Epilithic Mosses  nitrogen Content  δ15n  nitrogen Deposition  nitrogen Sources  
Assessment of bacterial biomass in the highly contaminated urban Nanming River, Guiyang, SW China 期刊论文
Acta Geochimica, 2017, 卷号: 36, 期号: 4, 页码: 638-644
作者:  Hao Xiao;  Hua-Yun Xiao;  Pan Wu
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Δ13c  Δ15n  Bacterial Biomass  n Budget  Nanming River  
Dual N and O isotopes of nitrate in natural plants: first insights into individual variability and organ-specific patterns 期刊论文
Biogeochemistry, 2013, 卷号: 114, 期号: 1-3, 页码: 399-411
作者:  Xue-Yan Liu;  Keisuke Koba;  Yu Takebayashi;  Cong-Qiang Liu;  Yun-Ting Fang;  Muneoki Yoh
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Denitrifier Method  Nitrate Reduction  15n  18o  Soil n Availability  Natural Plant  
维管束植物桂花树叶片对大气氮沉降的吸收研究 期刊论文
地球与环境, 2012, 期号: 2, 页码: 148-153
作者:  王燕丽;  肖化云;  肖红伟;  朱仁果
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桂花树  叶片n%、δ15n  大气氮沉降  树冠厚度  
Who controls the monthly variations of NH4+ nitrogen isotope composition in precipitation? 期刊论文
Atmospheric Environment, 2012, 卷号: 54, 期号: 2, 页码: 201-206
作者:  Hong-Wei Xiao;  Hua-Yun Xiao;  Ai-min Long;  Yan-Li Wang
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Ammonium  Δ15n  Isotopic Fractionation  Unidirectional Reaction  Exchange Reaction  Seasonal Variation  
Isotopic evaluation of the role of arbuscular mycorrhizae in the nitrogen preference in Chinese fir seedlings 期刊论文
Pedobiologia, 2012, 卷号: 55, 期号: 3, 页码: 167-174
作者:  He-Chun Piao;  Cong-Qiang Liu;  Shi-Jie Wang
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Arbuscular Mycorrhiza  Nitrate  Ammonium  15n Natural Abundance  Chinese Fir Seedling  Soil Environment  
Who controls the monthly variations of NH4+ nitrogen isotope composition in precipitation? 期刊论文
Atmospheric Environment, 2012, 卷号: 54, 期号: 2, 页码: 201-206
作者:  Hong-Wei Xiao;  Hua-Yun Xiao;  Ai-min Long;  Yan-Li Wang
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Ammonium  Δ15n  Isotopic Fractionation  Unidirectional Reaction  Exchange Reaction  Seasonal Variation  
维管束植物叶片氮同位素对贵阳市大气氮沉降的响应研究 学位论文
博士, 北京: 中国科学院研究生院, 2012
作者:  王燕丽
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维管束植物  叶片n%  15n  城市生态系统  大气氮湿沉降  特定源  树冠  
Response of biomass accumulation and nodulation by Vicia villosa to soil conditions: Evidence from δ13C and δ15N isotopes.pdf 期刊论文
Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, 2012, 卷号: 31, 期号: 2, 页码: 111-119
作者:  Piao Hechun;Liu Congqiang
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Vicia Villosa  Δ13c  Δ15n  Isotope  Soil