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Duckweed Is a Promising Feedstock of Biofuels: Advantages and Approaches 期刊论文
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022, 卷号: 23, 期号: 23, 页码: 15231
作者:  Gui-Li Yang
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Biomass   duckweed   energy Plants   starch   pathway  
Quantification of Methanogenic Pathways Using Stable Carbon Isotopic Signatures 期刊论文
Methods in Molecular Biology, 2019, 卷号: 2046, 页码: 89-94
作者:  Quan Yuan
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Stable Carbon Isotope  isotopic Fractionation Factor  methane  methanogenic Pathway  gc-c-irms  
Evaluation and analysis of temperature for historical (1996-2015) and projected (2030-2060) climates in Pakistan using SimCLIM climate model: Ensemble application 期刊论文
Atmospheric Research, 2018, 卷号: 213, 页码: 422-436
作者:  Asad Amin;   Wajid Nasim;   Shah Fahad;   Veysel Turan;   Shaukat Ali;   Shakeel Ahmad;   Atta Rasool;   Nadia Saleem;   Hafiz Mohkum Hammad;   Syeda Refat Sultana;   Muhammad Mubeen;   Hafiz Faiq Bakhat;   Naveed Ahmad;   Ghulam Mustafa Shah;   Muhammad Adnan;   Muhammad Noor;   Abdul B
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Pakistan  Representative Concentration Pathway  Climate Trends  Mann-kendall  Climate Model  
Human inorganic mercury exposure, renal effects and possible pathways in Wanshan mercury mining area, China 期刊论文
Environmental Research, 2015, 卷号: 140, 期号: 1, 页码: 198-204
作者:  Ping Li;  BuyunDu;  HingManChan;  XinbinFeng
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Inorganic Mercury  Human Exposure  Renaleffect  Pathway  
Rules of thumb for assessing reductive dechlorination pathways of PCDDs in specific systems 期刊论文
Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2010, 卷号: 177, 期号: 1–3, 页码: 1145-1149
作者:  Gui-Ning Lu;  Zhi Dang;  Donna E. Fennell;  Weilin Huang;  Zhong Li;  Cong-Qiang Liu
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Pcdd  dechlorination Pathway  dft  mulliken Atomic Charge  chlorine Atom