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Sources and fluxes of particulate organic carbon in the Wujiang cascade reservoirs, southwest China 期刊论文
Inland Waters, 2018, 卷号: 8, 期号: 2, 页码: 141-147
作者:  Jie Shi;  Baoli Wang;  Fushun Wang;  Xi Peng
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Cascade Reservoir  Flux  Phytoplankton  Poc  Wujiang River  
Sources and key processes controlling particulate organic nitrogen in impounded river–reservoir systems on the Maotiao River, southwest China 期刊论文
Inland waters, 2018, 卷号: 8, 期号: 2, 页码: 167-175
作者:  Xiao-Long Liu;  Si-Liang Li;  Zhong-Liang Wang;  Bao-Li Wang;  Gui-Lin Han;  FuShun Wang;  Li Bai;  Min Xiao;  Fu-Jun Yue;  Cong-Qiang Liu
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Cascade Reservoirs  Impounded River  Molar c:n  Nitrogen Isotope  Particulate Organic Nitrogen  
Phytoplankton community structure and succession in karst cascade reservoirs, SW China 期刊论文
nland Waters, 2018, 卷号: 8, 期号: 2, 页码: 229-238
作者:  Baoli Wang;  Xiao-Long Qiu;  Xi Peng;  Fushun Wang
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河流水-气界面碳交换研究进展及趋势 期刊论文
上海大学学报(自然科学版), 2015, 期号: 3, 页码: 275-285
作者:  丁虎;  刘丛强;  郎赟超;  李思亮;  李晓东;  汪福顺
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河流碳循环  水-气界面碳交换  陆地碳平衡  人类干扰  
A decrease in pH downstream from the hydroelectric dam in relation to the carbon biogeochemical cycle 期刊论文
Environmental Earth Sciences, 2015, 卷号: 73, 期号: 9, 页码: 5299-5306
作者:  Baoli Wang;  Cong-Qiang Liu;  Fushun Wang;  Xiao-Long Liu;  Zhong-Liang Wang
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Ph Decrease  Eutrophication  Hydroelectric Dam  Phytoplankton  Wujiang River  
Seasonal variation of CO2 diffusion flux from a large subtropical reservoir in East China 期刊论文
Atmospheric Environment, 2015, 卷号: 103, 页码: 129-137
作者:  Fushun Wang;  Man Cao;  Baoli Wang;  Jianan Fu;  Wenyun Luo;  Jing Ma
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Co2 Diffusion Flux  seasonal Patterns  subtropical Reservoir  the Xinanjiang Reservoir  
Distributions of Picophytoplankton and Phytoplankton Pigments Along a Salinity Gradient in the Changjiang River Estuary, China 期刊论文
Journal of Ocean University of China, 2014, 卷号: 13, 期号: 4, 页码: 621-627
作者:  Baoli Wang;  Congqiang Liu;  Fushun Wang;  Siliang Li;  Sivaji Patra
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Synechococcus  Picoeukaryotes  Phytoplankton Pigment  Salinity  Changjiang River Estuary  
Changes in nutrient ratios and phytoplankton community structure caused by hydropower development in the Maotiao River, China 期刊论文
Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 2014, 卷号: 36, 期号: 3, 页码: 595-603
作者:  Fushun Wang;  Baoli Wang;  Cong-Qiang Liu;  Xiaolong Liu;  Yang Gao;  Jing Zhang;  Shuang Li
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Nutrient Stoichiometry  phytoplankton  dam Construction  maotiao River  
Influence of a reservoir chain on the transport of riverine inorganic carbon in the karst area 期刊论文
Environmental Earth Sciences, 2014, 卷号: 72, 期号: 5, 页码: 1465-1477
作者:  Fushun Wang;  Cong-Qiang Liu;  Baoli Wang;  Yuanxiu Yu;  Xiaolong Liu
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Dissolved Inorganic Carbon  Flux Isotopic Composition  Reservoir Chain  Wujiang River  
Mechanisms controlling the carbon stable isotope composition of phytoplankton in karst reservoirs 期刊论文
Journal of Limnology, 2013, 卷号: 72, 期号: 1, 页码: 127-139
作者:  Wang Baoli;  Liu Cong-Qiang;  Peng Xi;  Wang Fushun
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Δ13c  Temperature  Taxonomic Difference  Phytoplankton  Karst Reservoir