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Elevated Magmatic Sulfur and Chlorine Contents in Ore-Forming Magmas at the Red Chris Porphyry Cu-Au Deposit, Northern British Columbia, Canada 期刊论文
Economic Geology, 2018, 卷号: 113, 期号: 5, 页码: 1047–1075
作者:  Jing-Jing Zhu;  Jeremy P. Richards;  Chris Rees;  Robert Creaser;  S. Andrew DuFrane;  Andrew Locock;  Joseph A. Petrus,;  Jürgen Lang
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The role of Indian and Tibetan lithosphere in spatial distribution of Cenozoic magmatism and porphyry Cu–Mo deposits in the Gangdese belt, southern Tibet 期刊论文
Earth-Science Reviews, 2015, 卷号: 150, 页码: 68-94
作者:  Rui Wang;  Jeremy P. Richards;  Li-min Zhou;  Zeng-qian Hou;  Richard A. Stern;  Robert A. Creaser;  Jing-jing Zhu
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Gangdese  indian And Tibetan Lithosphere  miocene  os–sr–nd–o–hf Isotopes  porphyry Deposits