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A critical analysis of sources, pollution, and remediation of selenium, an emerging contaminant 期刊论文
Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 2023, 卷号: 45, 页码: 1359–1389
Authors:  Habib Ullah;  Lu Lun;  Audil Rashid;  Noor Zada;  Baoliang Chen;  Asfandyar Shahab;  Ping Li;  Muhammad Ubaid Ali;  Siyi Lin;  Ming Hung Wong
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Heavy metals in fish, rice, and human hair and health risk assessment in Wuhan city, central China 期刊论文
Environmental Pollution, 2023, 卷号: 328, 页码: 121604
Authors:  Muhammad Ubaid Ali;  Chuan Wang;  Yuan Li;  Ruolan Li;  Shaochen Yang;  Li Ding;  Lin Feng;  Bo Wang;  Ping Li;  Ming Hung Wong
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Morphochemical investigation on the enrichment and transformation of hazardous elements in ash from waste incineration plants 期刊论文
Science of The Total Environment, 2022, 卷号: 828, 页码: 154490
Authors:  Muhammad Ubaid Ali;  Yuan Liu;  Balal Yousaf;  Ming Hung Wong;  Ping Li;  Guijian Liu;  Ruwei Wang;  Yong Wei;  Muyuan Lu
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Migration Mechanism  chemical Speciation  hazardous Elements  waste Incineration Plants  
Human exposure to mercury in a compact fluorescent lamp manufacturing area: By food (rice and fish) consumption and occupational exposure 期刊论文
Environmental Pollution, 2015, 卷号: 198, 期号: 1, 页码: 126-132
Authors:  Peng Liang;  Xinbin Feng;  Chan Zhang;  Jin Zhang;  Yucheng Cao;  Qiongzhi You;  Anna Oi Wah Leung;  Ming-Hung Wong;  Sheng-Chun Wu
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