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Numerical Simulation of the Lunar Polar Environment: Implications for Rover Exploration Challenge 期刊论文
Aerospace , 10(7), 598;, 2023, 卷号: 10, 期号: 7
作者:  Hong Gan;  Chengxuan Zhao;  Guangfei Wei;  Xiongyao Li;  Guojun Xia;  Xiao Zhang;  Jingjing Shi
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Retrieval of lunar polar heat flow from Chang'E-2 microwave radiometer and Diviner observations 期刊论文
Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 2023, 卷号: 10
作者:  Guangfei Wei;  Xiongyao Li;  Hong Gan;  Yaolin Shi
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A new method for simulation of lunar microwave brightness temperatures and evaluation of Chang'E‐2 MRM data using thermal constraints from Diviner 期刊论文
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 2019, 页码: 1433-1450
作者:  Guangfei Wei;  Xiongyao Li;  Hong Gan;  David T. Blewett;  Catherine D. Neish;  Benjamin T. Greenhagen
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Mapping the spatial distribution of soil depth in a grassland ecosystem with the aid of ground penetrating radar and GIS (Northwestern Sichuan, China) 期刊论文
Grassland Science, 2018, 卷号: 64, 期号: 4, 页码: 217-225
作者:  Xuelian Zhang;  Ligang Dao;  Chaosheng Zhang;  Liam Morrison;  Bing Hong;  Hongxuan Zhang;  Youmin Gan
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Gis  Ground Penetrating Radar  Soil Depth  Spatial Distribution  
月球光照区尘埃静电迁移规律:初步理论结果(英文) 期刊论文
岩石学报, 2016, 期号: 1
作者:  甘红;  魏广飞;  王世杰
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Work function measurements of olivine: Implication to photoemission charging properties in planetary environments 期刊论文
Advances in Space Research, 2015, 卷号: 56, 期号: 11, 页码: 2432-2438
作者:  Hong Gan;  Xiongyao Li;  Guangfei Wei;  Shijie Wang
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Planet  Moon  Photoemission  Olivine  Work Function  
月球光照区矿物颗粒带电特性及静电迁移规律研究 学位论文
博士, 北京: 中国科学院研究生院, 2015
作者:  甘红
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月球  光照区  月尘  静电迁移  功函数  
月尘静电迁移研究进展 期刊论文
空间科学学报, 2013, 卷号: 33, 期号: 2, 页码: 135-142
作者:  甘红;  王世杰;  李雄耀
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月球  月表环境  月尘  带电机制  静电迁移  
新疆东准噶尔老鸦泉岩体的锆石U-Pb年龄和地球化学组成 期刊论文
矿物学报, 2012, 卷号: 32, 期号: 2, 页码: 193-199
作者:  韩宇捷;  唐红峰;  甘林
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锆石u-pb年龄  老鸦泉岩体  A型花岗岩  东准噶尔  新疆  
In-situ water production by reducing ilmenite 期刊论文
Moon: Prospective Energy and Material Resources, 2012, 页码: 189-200
作者:  Yang Li;  Xiongyao Li;  Shijie Wang;  Hong Tang;  Hong Gan;  Shijie Li;  Guangfei Wei;  Yongchun Zheng;  Kang T. Tsang;  Ziyuan Ouyang
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Solar Wind  simulation Experiment  water Production  microwave Heating  lunar Surface